Thursday, December 28, 2006

row row row ur boat

I went for a boat ride/ dhingy ride? on the Umzimkulu river today...

It was so much fun, I screamed like a little cripple girl...Claudette was so sweet, she took a Spar plastic bag for me to wrap my foot in, so it wouldn't get wet.

the foot

So I pulled all my best latino moves last night and I had such a "Along came Polly" movie moment. This guy danced very well and did not try any moves, except dance ones.

But then....I stepped in a glass shard and cut my foot open. Only when we cleaned off the blood, did we realise that it was possibly a case for stitches. So we sped off to casualty. The nurse thought we were all drunk. I don't blame her. When they put on the antiseptic, I just giggled, it was so sore. I have never had pain revert my to laughter in my entire life...

And now I am like a little cripple girl..I think if I make a sign and put it around my neck, some people will feel sorry for me tomorrow night and buy me free drinks in Backstage? Mmmm, worth a shot. I am already going to go out in my pink fluffy slippers, coz those are the only shoes I can wear at this stage.

This is such a super dodge thing that has happened to me...I AM A GOOD GIRL....SOS

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Desperate Housewife seeks...

So, I really have been giving my 'trou-man' a lot of thought lately...

Maybe coz I am on dating buzz, there you get to sum up each guy...shame, they are all having such a hard time, because I am really hard to convince and very critical, because I have to protect myself from the scum bags out there

...I am not a witch, I just really love myself again...and i don't particularly want to share myself with any old idiot, even if it will be fun to have a toy boy...there is a 19 year old who is willing...he invited me for coffee...ha ha..I thought it hilarious in a Desperate Housewives kind of way...well, needless to say girls, I did not go, I think I broke his heart, but...I have standards..and he doesn't match up to the criteria..I have been getting tons of offers for 'coffee' I don't know what it is, I think I am giving off be-mine hormones.

Getting back to the "want to join me for coffee" statement, my argument is that us south coast girls are used to other have to ask if I want to go for a walk on the beach..ha other words no chance for the Joburg boys...ooops..I'm in margate

The mozzies are eating me alive...I think I will have to go for a blood transfusion after this help

Daily Dose of Man

Daily Dose
The perfect guy will not treat you differently in front of his friends...


I am blogging at Mich's place, I think she started noticing the withdrawel symptoms already, shame. So now instead of physically talking to her, I am writing stuff I know she will read later on...weird age I am living in...

So...on the drive here, I sat next to a French dude. At first I thought, how normal! He looks respectable..then..he takes off his shoes...and goes to sleep..he was such an inconsiderate man, I had to climb over him to go and wee...He did not budge, oh and he snored!!

But I am here, and I am already achieving what I came here to do: Get grounded and remember who I am...

Friday, December 15, 2006

mind over matter

It doesn't matter anymore that you never saw me for who I was
It doesn't matter anymore that I know see you for who you are
It doesn't matter anymore that you haven't heard my stories
It doesn't matter anymore that I don't listen to your stories
It doesn't matter anymore that it won't be forever
It doesn't matter that we won't ever be...


You don't matter anymore

message to monster

aids is not a myth

i r like to being...


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Maaikie

Very cool and funny and... (Ok can I stop now? I know she is reading this, coz I just gave her my blogging address!)
Seriously, she is real funky, we worked together for a year. Well if you could have called it work...
And we get up to missions, refer to my earlier blog on foxi nax and Presley's..
By the way: she is available too! Sorry, girls, the man of your dreams might just come accross my little blog..
When I blog about my mates, it feels like I am putting in singles ads for them...Should I mention she cooks very well too? And she is house trained?






Fw: Re: FW:FW : F: OFF :-)

Ok some of them are good, and my closest friends know which ones will tickle my fancy.

To the rest of you? Get a clue about my stand point on forwarding e-mails..if you don't, may you get a tropical disease!

Let's take the other day for example:

The Heading: Personality Test


1. What is your favourite colour (Yellow)
2. What is your favourite animal (birdie)
3. What is your favourite number (48)

Now...for the analysis...

Based on my answers, they could tell that I am strong and fun and loud and peaceful and easily angered and a thinker and somebody who acts before they think...

Oh and listen to this one: I am going to date 48 people before I find Mister Right and I have to fw the e-mail to 48 people within 48 minutes or else I won't meet Mr Right (or I'd lose a testicle..or something to that effect)

How ridiculous
and: ... strangely depressing...

Anbybody know 47 eligible guys?
If you don't let me know within the next 2 - 5 years...something extremely CRAPPY will happen to you


Another new feauture to my blog will be:


Dreams are so interesting..think I'll give you updates on the really cool ones.

The other night I dreamt that Paris Hilton (I actually really dig her) was doing make overs at our very own BP in Centurion. How cool is that?

Daily Dose of Man

I have come up with a personal San measure of the perfect next boyfriend can just read through it, and if he doesn't score well, we can call it off already, from the get-go! Ok, we all know I'm not THAT superficial. could work, right?

I think I'll make this one a regular...

I'll call it: Daily Dose of Man

-A guy that can read your blog and still like you
-A guy that makes you discover more about a blog does
-A blog..I mean..guy that...Ok, can't think of any more, will keep you posted

Sans snippet

San's snippet #9

When I start cleaning my know there is trouble coming

Mizz Brown

On Maggie:

-You'll fall in love with her, the instant you meet her
-She is very ... innovative. She is currently doing catering for the people at her work and making a fortune off it ( ha ha, you gotta love it)
-She is spantaneous, smart and available ( hee hee)

And she is in Gauteng for a while...

If she ever stumbles accross this site, I'm sure she'll want to know if she can advertise on it!

And, yes you can Maggie..

San's Escourt agency

I have been going on soooooooooooo many blind dates with my mates...
to ensure the guy is not after one thing....
or if they don't care, that he is cute sober too.
I'm going on another one tonight...
I think I should start charging..or maybe THEY should start charging?

cool watermelon

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Just thought I would share what I am wearing today:

Pink summer shift dress: Edgars (normal price: R260-00) (I got it on sale for R60-00)

LEATHER slip on sandals : Edgars (normal price: R180-00) ( I got it...on sale...for R40-00)

I m soooo cheap...

Love it!




Sheppie ROX

Sooooooooo...Crouchie and I haven't seen each other in ages, right?
Guess who shows up on Saturday night, wearing an almost identical outfit? Yup, Claudette!

And she packs her PJ's in a plastic bag (my mom also taught me that one!) and brings her own towel...I hope she doesn't kill me for publishing these details..well after the shower cap pic on her blog, I am sure she can handle everything!

Well, the point I am trying to make is that there are more of me out there! I was starting to lose all hope, but, now I have faith again!

And we are both good girrrrrrrrrrrls, well, semi-good girls. We know when and how to let loose!

So I guess it wasn't that bad growing up in Port Shepstone and I finally realised what the amazing thing about that place is. (The very same thing I used to hate about it, actually)

It never changes.

I think that is where us South Coast girls get our 'groundedness'. We don't change much and we are geniune...

So I can't wait to go there!Yeah, you all thought I was going to go to CTN...but financial matters don't allow it. I thought I was not going to have a holiday at all...this is the BEST xmas present EVER!!!

SO it's back to the roots..and I am PROUDLY PORT SHEPSTONIAN!

Sans snippet

San's snippet #8

I dance to french music when I am home alone...

Sans snippet

San's snippet #7

I never wear watches, but I always want to know what the time is

In case you were wondering..

So I am doing temp work for attorneys until the 15th...

It is so, I feel like an idiot every day of my life..but: I know I am talented in other spheres, so it is OK!

Thereafter, I am going to sell my soul to News Cafe, then I am going to start selling my stuff...

And then...I'm stopping off at my best friends wedding...

And then: the next chapter in San's life...England!

Will keep y'all posted!

if only all the reindeer were as good looking...


Mmmmm...considering there is a creme soda shortage in Gauteng: this is a rare photo.

Claudette and I found Creme Soda in Edenvale...A-MA-ZING

And I found some at Barnyard, thank goodness, I was suffering through the show...It was a good show (Rock me Amadeus) but..I overdid it on the weekend, with gummy bear juice! So I was comatized and found it hard to focus towards the end.

creme soda

us: secret SAN - ta

me holding gummy berry juice...exhibit A

the number 3

So why do things have to happen in three's before I get the message in my life?

strike 1: Boyfiend becomes X
strike 2: I get retrenched
strike 3: My flatmates are all scattering
and you all know what comes after strike 3, right? You are out! it is like I have been seperated from everything that has been so familiar in my I am forced to make a new start, to get out.

Which is why England is not so scary for is time

i r back!

Yay..I finally managed to sort out these cookies!

And I r back to blogging, my loyal fans!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

cape town in pretoria

I discovered a street in Clubview that is a replica of one of those in Cape Town..

It is so narrow and the houses are close to each other...

It is so magical...

And people actually live there

another hee hee

hee hee

7 years in tibet

There is one scene in '7 Years in Tibet' that I really loved.

When Brad's character is about to go back to his home country, he stops off at old friends first, to say goodbye.

They have their first cup of tea together, and his friends insist on pouring him a second cup.

They say that he must not drink the tea, it will stay untouched until he returns from his journey.

If I go away, I would like to leave like that.

How nice..

sans snippet

San's snippet

I only do housework when I am wearing my heels...and that is in a totally unkinky way..

the beginning

Today is my last day at work.

It is sad to leave everybody behind and I have no idea what the future holds for me, but it is part of my journey in life.

I tend to be hard of hearing when it comes to signs, so I usually get VERY in-your-face ones, before I get the message.

Well, I got it now!


Thursday, November 23, 2006


I'm having one of those terrible days that Claudette mentions in her blog.

Our bath has sprung a leak, so my shirt was wet..the towel was wet and the whole bathroom is wet...

Then...I could not find my eyeliner/blusher/anything

I have to move stuff out of my ex's garage by the beginning of December, but I dont have the money and I don't have space for the stuff! I phoned storage companies and they cost an arm and a leg..

Then he (the x) owes me is a big amount and I don't think he will give it to me...

The work situation is also catching me, because it is so uncertain. I can't buy my car or move into my flat, because then I'll be increasing my living costs. And I can't do that if my job is unstable, what if I have to go waitress again?

I get a car allowance, but today I have to tell my boss to take it back, because I am not going to be able to buy a car, while I am working for her. Which means I will have to pay back the first car allowance I got!


And the money situation is sh!tty..I moved into a cheaper flat to save up for a TV, fridge and couch...In three months I have not saved a cent. But I did open a Foschini and Woolworths account.

Where is the logic?

And today I just can't believe my ex could have been so mean...I thought he loved me..apparantlly not...and he has not tried to phone me..good riddance, right? But how could he not care?

I wish it was 6 months down the line already..then this whole nightmare will be over

Sans snippet

San's snippet #5

I make a dam good chicken impersonation!

Sans snippets

San's snippet #4

I tried making Nik Naks when I was five...note: TRIED

size 32

THE most horrendous thing came over me in Truworths the other day.

I tried on a boob tube and the thing only came to under my arms.

Then i realised it will be a bit of a squeeze, so I don't want to try any further.

But the top was stuck...I could not get it unrolled...I could not pull it up...I could not pul it down....

I tried everything!

Luckily my friend was in the booth opposite me, she had to jerk this top off me.

I had red marks on my arms!Signs of the struggle...

scary moment

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

more on chuck

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.
Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost
Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a DeltaForce marathon on Satellite TV.
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

check out this one yall!


Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.

There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard. There is only another fist.

Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and Kill.

The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer

Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.

Chuck Norris is my Homeboy.

Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting.... CHUCK NORRIS GOES KILLING

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

San's snippet

San's snippet #3

I make some mean pork chops! I do them so good, you'll think it is red meat!

San's snippet

San's snippet #2

I sing along (shamelessly) to the radio in the car..especially when I drive on my own..

san's snippets

Welcome to the first edition of San's Snippets...

I have decided to introduce these to my blog as a way of letting you know what makes me, ME

San's Snippet # 1 ....

I get emotional on the reveals of 'Extreme Makeover, Home Edition' chokes me up to see how happy those people get!


Eight Words with two Meanings
1. THINGY (thing-ee) n.
Female...... Any part under a car's hood.
Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.
Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.
Male.... Playing cricket without a box.

3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.
Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a lads holiday.

4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.
Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.
Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.
Female.... An embarrassing by product of indigestion.
Male...... A source of entertainment, self-_expression, male bonding.

7 MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.
Female...... The greatest _expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.
Male.. Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.

8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.
Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

the doggy


The tannie that works here has brought her doggy to work!

It is a jack russel cross maltese, named Santjie...

My nickname, I know...I know

Now at least there is something to do in the office!

have a smashing day

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

night fever...night fever..ah ha..

It's great to have friends who all understand one another. Out trip to Presleys, proved just how in touch we are with one anothers feelings. (sounds soppy, doesn't it)

The bouncers are like high school prefects who try to bust you:
"Are you smoking on the dance floor?" He asks
"!"you reply, trying to swallow the burning cigarette whole.
(not me, don't worry, I still support the pink lungs organisation)
"No drinking on the dance floor!" He roars
"...but, but it is water.."

So the three of us decide unanimously to bunk Presley's and go for a drive to Joburg.

On the way there, we get HUNGRY. We search the car for something to eat and find an ancient packet of chutney "foxi nax" It was heavenly, we had to ration it out, cos it was already half and there were three of us. ..ahhh, these are the days of our lives!

the simple life

Well, I knew it was going to be an educational weekend when signs like:
'Groot koning wors' and '..plot for sale: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms...GROOT DAM' greeted me on the way to Potch.

We tried a back road to try and get there faster, and for those of you who have seen the movie "Wrong Turn" will be able to picture what kind of back road this was.
The road sign said: "CAUTION!DO NOT ENTER!Turn back or Die!"

But, we went on it

Despite the lack of people around, there was this eerie air around the place. The birds were even freaky...then all of a sudden the road just stops. We had to continue our journey on this makeshift road...and as we drove around the spot where the road ended, there was this terrible smell of decomposing things and a bunch of rubble and garbage amd who-knows-what

But apart from that, the weekend was nice. I love being outdoors and it is nice to see nature again. The plot is huge (4 000 ha) and what is really awesome about it, is that we were practically the only people there. So it is great to feel that so much space belongs to you.

We went onto the night life of Potch, at Impala something.
Can't people learn that there are just some places you CAN'T sokkie and pull out your Kurt Darren moves?!

OOh..then the kitty had kitty's...Michelle would have freaked out! I will post a photo especially for you...promise!

It was such a full day, it feels like I have been gone for a week at least...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Faux pas

In the recruitment industry, you get the funniest comments from the interviewees(claudette can relate to this one)

I once asked a guy if I could give our fax number to him, I asked if he could write it down quickly
His answer?
"Uh..yes...I can write...I can read too..."
So not what I meant.

I ask another guy what his age is, he answers: "I am VERY fit, I play rugby"
I should have asked him which team he supports, and made a decision based on that!

keeping busy

Had a busy week so far, had vetkoek at the vetkoek house/paleis/whatever. Felt like I should be seeing worsie / boeboe at any moment...did not however.

We went tenpin bowling, but it was over so quickly, we did not even play for 20 minutes, I am not sure it really happened it was so quick.

Last night I slept over in Wonderboom, only bummer is that I had to wake up at 05:00..and now I have sssslow reaction timesssss....I am practically drooling on this keyboard..

Tonight it is off to the student town of Potch, followed by a Saturday evening of dancing..

And then my mate is coming to visit me from the coast, it was her 21st yesterday...

And then: who knows?! The world is my oyster and so on...and so on

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ding dong, dairy is almost xmas!!!

my soulmate




Best wishes for you!

I can't believe my Michelle is growing up!

Always remember the good times, cos they will keep you young at heart ( not that you are old or anything):

-Oger finger bowl
-Farty Marcky
-Skipping study period
-Science Expo
-Eagles night club
-Villa Alba
-Chocolate brownies
-Nick's 1 year birthday party...and his two year...
-Eating too much...
-Feeling guilty for eating too much...
-Running or playing swing ball, cos we ate too much...
-December hols at tweni caravan park
-Xmas with your family

'n boer maak 'n plan!

Here's to our friendship and wishing my soulmate all the best that life has to offer!!


I have been making sarmies for my office mate and I.

Each day I cut our sarmies into different shapes...

Day 1: teeny tiny triangles (or as I fondly refer to them: boats)

Day 2: teeny tiny Rectangles (or..."fingers")

Day 3: plain half cut...cos (I told her) it is time to grow up!

Hee hee...So seems like I am back to a normal level of insanity...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ode to mrs s

Think about this one next time you go to Truworths/Edgars/etc.

What is the average space devoted to men's clothing in relation to women's. The men's department is so small that you only have to blink and you will miss it.

Then, I hear some men complain that the chain stores put out the same clothes season after season.

I am starting to believe that it has not been designed like this by chance. There is a reason for all this!

Let me explain myself by painting a picture of what it would be like if the roles were switched.

Your hubby comes home exhausted after a days shopping.
"Why all the choices!" he exclaims
"Who knew there could be so many different plaid shirts!"he sighs, he drinks all night and gets hopelessly drunk.

All the choices, they could never be able to handle it.

A woman can walk into a store and scan the racks. Like a skilled hunter, she can sort the whole store's outfits into categories.

1.Suitable colour
2.Great fit
3.Cute/fun/seriuos/sexy/or....hee hee

Within minutes she has honed in on her perfect match, and not just the outfit. She has also managed to find the perfect accessories. She will not be distracted by the sea of 'wrong' outfits.

Imagine the poor male species trying to do this! I can't.

And the whole "why do we get the same outfits each season?"

Think about it. How many times do you have to wear your new outfit, before they notice it's new? It is practically a year old, and then only will your lovey exclaim: "Gee babe, is that new?"
"Uh...yes babe, I got it a year ago..."

So the mastermind behind store planning KNOWS this. She has figured out that they don't have to spend lots of money on keeping stock fresh. THE MEN WON"T EVEN KNOW

Brilliant, aint it.

My hat goes off to you mrs store-designer, where ever you may be...

And don't worry, your secret is safe with me!


These days I live my life by signs and guidance from God.

I was not sure where to go on holiday, between CTN and Margate (my roots)

I looked up both possibilities and my options for Cape Town were Wellington and Oudtshoorn.

Waiting at the post office yesterday, I noticed a parcel. The address read Wellington.

Hmmm, weird.

A second parcel was being posted and its end destination? You guessed it: Oudtshoorn.

So, there it is, I am going to CTN for a few weeks!

I am not superstitious, believe me. It is just so great to see God's presence even in the little things I do!


One of our clients flew to Australia yesterday, but his flight was delayed by three hours.

So when he arrived, his employer had left and neither of us can get hold of them.

So a suggestion we made is for them to announce at the desk:
"Jaco bla bla from South Africa's employer has left him, if anybody can claim him, please report to the front desk"

Can you imagine?

It just reminded me of an incident where I tried on shoes and my mother lost me. She announced in Makro that: "San-Mari Swart must please report to the front desk..."

And this was last year, people.

No jokes.

I tried to ignore the announcement, but they announced for a second time!

How embarassing!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

a sense of meaning

Even if the whole world may think I am great, but he does not think so, what they all think will mean nothing

Everybody may take my autograph or savour the things I have to say, but if he is not interested, my words are empty

People may all want to make me laugh, but if he is not there to do it, I won't be able to

They all would want me to have a good time, but if he is not there to share the moment, it won't be such a good time after all

They may all hear my story a hundred times, but if I have not told it to him, it remains untold

I can pretend I am free and liberated, but as long as my heart belongs to him, I will never be

Friday, November 10, 2006


I sit here and look at pieces of your life.

It is in everything and everywhere...

I sit here and sit here.

Yet I do not go away and they don't ask me to leave.

lost vs misplaced

"Oh, that looks so nice, why don't you do it more often?"
When I put on my make up
"I agree with you"
When I think somebody says something stupid
"You should drive better"
When I skip the yellow robot
"I like a girl with lips"
When I put on my lipstick
"Gee, this place is perfect!Go for it!"
When I go to that lodge

Why can't I stop hearing him?

a spot of shakespeare...

"..give me my Romeo, so that I may take him and cut him up into little stars. And he will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no attention to the garish sun."

I did not really like Shakespeare, his writing is mentally exhausting. But this is my favourite piece of writing of his.


You know when the principal says: "Can the girls please stay behind after assembly has adjourned..." You know that some silly teenage girl forgot to flush...and you prepare for the speech.

On this particular occasion, the drama department had planned something for us. A girl wearing a grey skirt (as part of uniform) came walking up the stairs. But, oh no! she has dropped her file. The girl does not know what to do!! She can't bend to pick it up, cos the boys will see her!

Then a second girl comes strolling out (this real tomboy) wearing skirt-pants. She bends at a very ungraceful angle and picks up the file for the other poor flower.

They end this dislpay with catch phrases:
Tired of having problems sitting?
Scared of the wind?
Tired of sniggering boys?

Skirt pants are the answer!

On sale now at your local school clothing outlet.

Needless to say, nobody touched the skirt pants and the two girls who participated in this event were ostrisized from the school body.

suid natal, my suid natal!!!

I have just been reminiscing on my primary school days...

Must be all the contact I have been having with Claudette.

Onthou jy Mejuffrou Crouch:
"Waar die golwe rustig breek, teen die rots en GOUDgeel sa-and, is ons land se MOOISTE strand....volharding is ons volmaaktheid sal ons strewe..."
La la la la la!!!!!!

The sport's were either in the yellow,red or blue sports team. I was in the yellow team. I think Claudette was in the red one?

Well you DID NOT want to be in the yellow, it was uncool, many days I wish I could change my name (it went alphabetically, you see)

The yellow team's cheerleaders were one of two characters on big sports days, where you dress up and cheer.
They were either the flintstones or big yellow bugs....
It was always a big secret, what are the other teams going to dress up as?
Nobody ever wondered what the yellow team was going to be. It was either flintstones or BIG YELLOW BUGS.

When I became a cheerleader, I decided to hell with it. We are not going to be so unoriginal again! So for the first time in history (I hope) we were egyptians...

I doubt we won, can't remember, but man we looked good!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

beautiful: andy m's blog

This guy (Andy M) lives in the Uk, he is in his 40's and has had violent epilepsy since he was in his 20's. I don't even know the guy, he does not know me, but it feels like he wrote this poem especially for the situation I find myself in.

brown eyes
Painting myself into a corner again with my web of deceitful lies
But the thing that hurts me the most is the look of disappointment through the tears in your brown eyes
You know it's happening again no matter how many excuses I make to get out the door
Too many late nights, I'm working too hard, a few too many drinks, you've heard them all before
Be responsible for once in your life you beg of me once more
"I don't care if I live or die" the last words I hurl at you, calculated to hurt the most as I nearly splinter the door.
I know it's coming, but I really don't care, it causes me no grief
And as I awake in those familiar white,clinical surroundings I don't know if I feel disappointment or relief
The one thing that prays on my confused and battered mind yet comes as no surprise
Is the look I see when I turn gingerly to my side, the look of hurt, relief and also love in those tearful brown eyes.

blogs anonymous

My name is San-Mari and I am a blog-o-holic!!

I am going crazy on this site!!!

Sorry guys!!!

photo donations please!!!

To all my mates:

If u have any cool pics lying around, pls won't u fwd em to my mailing address:

Help save my blog from being colourless and BO-RING!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

my testimony

They say everybody has a different exeperience with finding the right path. Of finding God.

Well, here is my story, if you have not found Him, I hope this story gives you hope. I hope my story inspires you to develop that need to go and find Him.

This is a terrible thing to say, but I have been denying God's existence, altough not completely, because I still feared the afterlife. So I thought by not totally denying Him, I would still go to some kind of heaven.

But my heart was not in it. I could still find my reasons not to believe.

The way I could convince myself that I believe in God, is what somebody once said:
"...the watch you are wearing, do you know who made it? No? But you still believe somebody made it, right? Even if you have not personally met the creator of the watch?" So this was my way of convincing myself that I was on the right path, because I completely believed in this story.

I was not living the life though, but God did not stop speaking to me...He never does.

I must admit that these Christian folk irritated me sometimes. The light that shined out of them made me uncomfortable, annoyed and scared. How could they be so naive, life is not a thrill ride! I know my life has been like. Where was God when things did not go right in my life? Surely he would have sent His angels if He had really existed...if anybody needed angels, it was me.

I suppose my big change came about when I proof read this book that my boss had started writing. She encouraged me to think about God and Christianity...

Since then my life really had started to change, I started noticing God's presence all around me. And instead of saying things like: gee, what a coincidence. I started thinking: what if it is not just some coincidence? What if this is the way that God is leading me?

God has really touched my heart and shown his presence in so many ways.

Especially this last month.

And you know what, it is written in the Bible that God will hide Himself from those who do not seek Him. And I have not seeked Him, and that is exactly why I have not found Him. He must have seen my hurt in the past and wept much worse than I did, but He did not 'interfere', because I did not actually want Him involved.

I always thought that you repent and then your life changes. It's like, wham, bam, from here on your life will be great! The light will fill you and you will be a changed person! But it is not like that, it all comes with time.

It is like any relationship. It grows stronger as time passes. You get to know and love somebody as time passes, You can't instantly say you love a stranger, just because he is really nice and you have heard good things about them. The bond grows with time.

My generations star!

Hiya Maxi!

Welcome to my blog!

Hope ur exam went well my friend!

Drop me a photo, so I can send it into Huisgenoot and claim I got a shot of that Generations star. (I can make some money out of this!You know, Huisgenoot pays you for celebrity unclassy, doll!)

Stay beautiful my friend, you are always in my heart!

You know what, you were the first person to start calling me San. And I have loved it so much, I stuck with it!

I still have one of your good luck notes from the matric exams in my bible!

You always believed in me!Thank you! God Bless and may happiness follow you, cos good things come to good people.


paradise found...hold thumbs!


So, I have quite an unusual name (San-Mari)

But it is quite weird that it happened that I moved in with a San-Mari when I arrived here in Pretoria!

Then, at work, I work for a Sanna-Marie.

The last weird thing is that my favourite soapie also has a San-Mari in it..(7de Laan)

Monday, November 06, 2006

blondes have more fun?

I recently dyed my hair light brown. You get tired of blonde, as it is major upkeep.

Well, actually it is called Rum Coffee.

Imagine writing your profile:

-brown eyes
-small build
-hair colour: rum coffee


I don't know if i am having more fun or what. Can't say that I am...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

prelude to the end of my world

I kept praying for a sign from God. I needed closure, I needed clarity, I needed something to work on. Anything small would have done, I would have grasped at straws and tried to build on it. And as I sit here and write this, I start to think how futile my efforts were. None of it matters now and still I miss stupid.

I thought I had received the sign this weekend, the week just felt so ominous to me.
One of my classmates from high school died in a car crash last week. My friend had everyone write something about him to dedicate to his parents. There were a series of major accidents on the road. Our factory manager even rode into the back of a truck, huge accident. I don't know if these things stood out to me so much, because I had just gotten my license and only recently started driving on my own. Or maybe it was all relating to the signs.

On Saturday night when I left him, I was worried. Something was wrong with him. I could sense it before even seeing him, that was why I visited him in the first place. (even though he needed his space)

I never say to him to drive safely, but I did that night.

I thought it weird that he did not follow me when I drove off, but left it to him wanting space. I got home and battled with the iginition and thought to phone him for advice, but I knew not to, as he wanted his space.

I got into my house and sat on the couch and something said to me: He was in a car crash. Phone him, something is wrong. But I did not phone, cos I have been doing it too much lately and I needed to back off and give him his space. I was just being silly anyway.

At around 21:00, I had the urge to drive my flatmate around the block with the new car. I did not invite him until about 21:45 though.

At 21:20, one of the girls came into our house to tell us about her news. The guy that lives above us, Mark, the tow truck driver, well his wife thinks she has the hots for him.

I went to bed early, I was awoke at 03:00 in the morning. I was awoken from a dream where his car was getting washed. His window wiper was broken off and he handed it back to the guy who was washing his car. I was awoken by him, he told me that he had been in a car accident and the car was damaged beyond a driveable state.

The next day, he told me of the series of events. At about 21:00, he had crashed on the road I had wanted to take my flatmate for a test drive.

At about 21:20, a tow truck driver came to fetch him. The same tow truck driver that lived above me, Mark. That was the same time that the girl told us about him. Before that time, I did not even know who lived above me.

He did not usually drive on that road, but something told him that it would be the safest road.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Well, yet another blog about

It is a new thing, (this hellopeter thing) so it is all the rage in the world of san...bear with me.

So, the latest scam? You enter a competition at a store, not thinking you will win. But then, low and behold, you receive a call! And guess what! you are a winner!

Oh great! you never win ANYTHING!!

So you have to meet the organisers at a certain time and venue. You arrive there, only to be dragged into a presentation and promotional video. By this time you are bloody annoyed to say the least.

But then , they (reluctantly) hand you your prize. So all the pain and effort was worthwhile!!! You have won a free holiday!!! GReat. SO you phone up all your mates, you are finally getting all that good karma back!

So everything is in place, you just need to phone the number on the voucher and book for your dream holiday. What costs are involved, you venture asking?
'Well, the registration fee...'
Not bad. not bad
"...and, the 50% accommodation cost...or you pay for your meals per person per day and the accomodation is free.."
There it is...the proverbial catch...

So, you can IMAGINE the pleasure I had reporting all this to and I can't wait to report it to everyone I know

step, kick and PUNCH!!!

I have found the greatest website...a must for all South Africans!

Man, it is like a big PC punching bag. You can just let 'er rip! A release for all the bad service in this country. Everybody put on your gloves and complain!

I have managed to keep my complaints full of humour, as the situations were actually funny (Well, only after loads of time has passed and I had counted to ten on seperate occasions)

For instance, your credit card company phoning you at 21:00 in the evening, when you don't actually have a 24hr bank.

Or the suggestions your estate agent makes when she fails to get the old tenants out of your prospective flat. The witty old gal suggests we move all our stuff into the new place's garage so long. Then we could move everything into the new flat the next day. Don't we all just adore moving? So much that we actually want to do it twice in one week!

Oh, and not to worry that you are homeless for the evening, you can just sleep over at your new flatmates' parents house (her suggestion, not mine!)

Amazing is it not?

Not to forget the weird and wonderful things my current estate agents have come up with. Somebody broke my bedroom window over the weekend, they are 100% willing to pay, as long as: I find the person who broke my window. Where to start, I ask myself? The police line up?

And they can unfortunately not tell me which parking garages are open, nor can they tell me which are being paid for. They lost the list. But (and here's another wonderful suggestion coming on) I must see if I can figure out which garages are being used! So next week you will all be seeing me camped out in my car, eating doughnuts, having cofee in polystyrene cups (to try and stay awake), with binoculars, on my very first (self initiated) stake out. Operation: parking spot; code word: are you crazy?!

So, then back to my opening blog, I had discovered what astrological year I am in: "the year of the rat"

Explains a heck of a lot, does it not?
Well I have just set up my bloggers profile.

And turns out I am 'in the year of the rat'.

Gee, well, that explains a lot! No wonder I have had such a crummy year...