Thursday, December 21, 2006

Desperate Housewife seeks...

So, I really have been giving my 'trou-man' a lot of thought lately...

Maybe coz I am on dating buzz, there you get to sum up each guy...shame, they are all having such a hard time, because I am really hard to convince and very critical, because I have to protect myself from the scum bags out there

...I am not a witch, I just really love myself again...and i don't particularly want to share myself with any old idiot, even if it will be fun to have a toy boy...there is a 19 year old who is willing...he invited me for coffee...ha ha..I thought it hilarious in a Desperate Housewives kind of way...well, needless to say girls, I did not go, I think I broke his heart, but...I have standards..and he doesn't match up to the criteria..I have been getting tons of offers for 'coffee' I don't know what it is, I think I am giving off be-mine hormones.

Getting back to the "want to join me for coffee" statement, my argument is that us south coast girls are used to other have to ask if I want to go for a walk on the beach..ha other words no chance for the Joburg boys...ooops..I'm in margate

The mozzies are eating me alive...I think I will have to go for a blood transfusion after this help

1 comment:

Claudette said...

Yeah yeah yeah
I also finally got a chance to BLOG!