Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sheppie ROX

Sooooooooo...Crouchie and I haven't seen each other in ages, right?
Guess who shows up on Saturday night, wearing an almost identical outfit? Yup, Claudette!

And she packs her PJ's in a plastic bag (my mom also taught me that one!) and brings her own towel...I hope she doesn't kill me for publishing these details..well after the shower cap pic on her blog, I am sure she can handle everything!

Well, the point I am trying to make is that there are more of me out there! I was starting to lose all hope, but, now I have faith again!

And we are both good girrrrrrrrrrrls, well, semi-good girls. We know when and how to let loose!

So I guess it wasn't that bad growing up in Port Shepstone and I finally realised what the amazing thing about that place is. (The very same thing I used to hate about it, actually)

It never changes.

I think that is where us South Coast girls get our 'groundedness'. We don't change much and we are geniune...

So I can't wait to go there!Yeah, you all thought I was going to go to CTN...but financial matters don't allow it. I thought I was not going to have a holiday at all...this is the BEST xmas present EVER!!!

SO it's back to the roots..and I am PROUDLY PORT SHEPSTONIAN!

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