Thursday, November 02, 2006

step, kick and PUNCH!!!

I have found the greatest website...a must for all South Africans!

Man, it is like a big PC punching bag. You can just let 'er rip! A release for all the bad service in this country. Everybody put on your gloves and complain!

I have managed to keep my complaints full of humour, as the situations were actually funny (Well, only after loads of time has passed and I had counted to ten on seperate occasions)

For instance, your credit card company phoning you at 21:00 in the evening, when you don't actually have a 24hr bank.

Or the suggestions your estate agent makes when she fails to get the old tenants out of your prospective flat. The witty old gal suggests we move all our stuff into the new place's garage so long. Then we could move everything into the new flat the next day. Don't we all just adore moving? So much that we actually want to do it twice in one week!

Oh, and not to worry that you are homeless for the evening, you can just sleep over at your new flatmates' parents house (her suggestion, not mine!)

Amazing is it not?

Not to forget the weird and wonderful things my current estate agents have come up with. Somebody broke my bedroom window over the weekend, they are 100% willing to pay, as long as: I find the person who broke my window. Where to start, I ask myself? The police line up?

And they can unfortunately not tell me which parking garages are open, nor can they tell me which are being paid for. They lost the list. But (and here's another wonderful suggestion coming on) I must see if I can figure out which garages are being used! So next week you will all be seeing me camped out in my car, eating doughnuts, having cofee in polystyrene cups (to try and stay awake), with binoculars, on my very first (self initiated) stake out. Operation: parking spot; code word: are you crazy?!

So, then back to my opening blog, I had discovered what astrological year I am in: "the year of the rat"

Explains a heck of a lot, does it not?

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