Friday, November 10, 2006


You know when the principal says: "Can the girls please stay behind after assembly has adjourned..." You know that some silly teenage girl forgot to flush...and you prepare for the speech.

On this particular occasion, the drama department had planned something for us. A girl wearing a grey skirt (as part of uniform) came walking up the stairs. But, oh no! she has dropped her file. The girl does not know what to do!! She can't bend to pick it up, cos the boys will see her!

Then a second girl comes strolling out (this real tomboy) wearing skirt-pants. She bends at a very ungraceful angle and picks up the file for the other poor flower.

They end this dislpay with catch phrases:
Tired of having problems sitting?
Scared of the wind?
Tired of sniggering boys?

Skirt pants are the answer!

On sale now at your local school clothing outlet.

Needless to say, nobody touched the skirt pants and the two girls who participated in this event were ostrisized from the school body.

1 comment:

Claudette said...

We had that too i never wore that ever!
Always wore my skirt... and winter pants!
School was soooooooooooo silly and fun MISS THOSE DAYS