Tuesday, November 28, 2006

7 years in tibet

There is one scene in '7 Years in Tibet' that I really loved.

When Brad's character is about to go back to his home country, he stops off at old friends first, to say goodbye.

They have their first cup of tea together, and his friends insist on pouring him a second cup.

They say that he must not drink the tea, it will stay untouched until he returns from his journey.

If I go away, I would like to leave like that.

How nice..


Claudette said...

I loved that scene too, wanted to add it too my blog, but saw you had it on.

i do that in a way when people forget stuff at my house, refuse to give it back, they need to come visit and fetch it!
Its not as symbolic and special, but my way of showing people they are welcome to come again!

san said...

Do you think I can comment on your comment? Well here goes:
I thought that is so cool! Ha ha ha
Very funny!