Thursday, November 02, 2006


Well, yet another blog about

It is a new thing, (this hellopeter thing) so it is all the rage in the world of san...bear with me.

So, the latest scam? You enter a competition at a store, not thinking you will win. But then, low and behold, you receive a call! And guess what! you are a winner!

Oh great! you never win ANYTHING!!

So you have to meet the organisers at a certain time and venue. You arrive there, only to be dragged into a presentation and promotional video. By this time you are bloody annoyed to say the least.

But then , they (reluctantly) hand you your prize. So all the pain and effort was worthwhile!!! You have won a free holiday!!! GReat. SO you phone up all your mates, you are finally getting all that good karma back!

So everything is in place, you just need to phone the number on the voucher and book for your dream holiday. What costs are involved, you venture asking?
'Well, the registration fee...'
Not bad. not bad
"...and, the 50% accommodation cost...or you pay for your meals per person per day and the accomodation is free.."
There it is...the proverbial catch...

So, you can IMAGINE the pleasure I had reporting all this to and I can't wait to report it to everyone I know

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