Thursday, November 09, 2006

beautiful: andy m's blog

This guy (Andy M) lives in the Uk, he is in his 40's and has had violent epilepsy since he was in his 20's. I don't even know the guy, he does not know me, but it feels like he wrote this poem especially for the situation I find myself in.

brown eyes
Painting myself into a corner again with my web of deceitful lies
But the thing that hurts me the most is the look of disappointment through the tears in your brown eyes
You know it's happening again no matter how many excuses I make to get out the door
Too many late nights, I'm working too hard, a few too many drinks, you've heard them all before
Be responsible for once in your life you beg of me once more
"I don't care if I live or die" the last words I hurl at you, calculated to hurt the most as I nearly splinter the door.
I know it's coming, but I really don't care, it causes me no grief
And as I awake in those familiar white,clinical surroundings I don't know if I feel disappointment or relief
The one thing that prays on my confused and battered mind yet comes as no surprise
Is the look I see when I turn gingerly to my side, the look of hurt, relief and also love in those tearful brown eyes.

1 comment:

Phedora said...

wow, the passion that wnt into that was rushing through my veins as i read it. i could feel every word taking form in my mind as i magine myself in the same situation. Thank you for that and keep up the good work.