Sunday, November 19, 2006

the simple life

Well, I knew it was going to be an educational weekend when signs like:
'Groot koning wors' and '..plot for sale: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms...GROOT DAM' greeted me on the way to Potch.

We tried a back road to try and get there faster, and for those of you who have seen the movie "Wrong Turn" will be able to picture what kind of back road this was.
The road sign said: "CAUTION!DO NOT ENTER!Turn back or Die!"

But, we went on it

Despite the lack of people around, there was this eerie air around the place. The birds were even freaky...then all of a sudden the road just stops. We had to continue our journey on this makeshift road...and as we drove around the spot where the road ended, there was this terrible smell of decomposing things and a bunch of rubble and garbage amd who-knows-what

But apart from that, the weekend was nice. I love being outdoors and it is nice to see nature again. The plot is huge (4 000 ha) and what is really awesome about it, is that we were practically the only people there. So it is great to feel that so much space belongs to you.

We went onto the night life of Potch, at Impala something.
Can't people learn that there are just some places you CAN'T sokkie and pull out your Kurt Darren moves?!

OOh..then the kitty had kitty's...Michelle would have freaked out! I will post a photo especially for you...promise!

It was such a full day, it feels like I have been gone for a week at least...

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