Tuesday, November 14, 2006


One of our clients flew to Australia yesterday, but his flight was delayed by three hours.

So when he arrived, his employer had left and neither of us can get hold of them.

So a suggestion we made is for them to announce at the desk:
"Jaco bla bla from South Africa's employer has left him, if anybody can claim him, please report to the front desk"

Can you imagine?

It just reminded me of an incident where I tried on shoes and my mother lost me. She announced in Makro that: "San-Mari Swart must please report to the front desk..."

And this was last year, people.

No jokes.

I tried to ignore the announcement, but they announced for a second time!

How embarassing!!!!

1 comment:

Claudette said...

Ja Nee my mom would do soemthing like that too...

I always stick to her now when we going shopping!