Tuesday, May 22, 2007

whether the weather

It is -9! (Taking the wind chill factor into account)

Mornings like these I appreciate my job more.

I am in a nice toasty office, dressed warmly, and when I feel a little cold, I put the heater up, or ask my tea lady to make me some Milo.

Let's go back three years when I was still waitressing at Moccacino's. The restaurant was situated next to the lake, which meant in winter, the temperature was always about three degrees colder than the weatherman says. With that, it is not all indoors, and you have to be outside to man the door at all times.

The Marble tables (all 30 of them) had to be carried outside each morning at 07:00. (And, no, this job was not reserved exclusively for the guys) They were FREEZING, and had to be wiped off. Now imagine 0 degree weather, an icy cold marble stone table, and a WET cloth. We used to fill our water bucket with boiling hot water, just to get feeling in our fingers again. But by the time you get to table 20, the water cooled down again, and our hands and fingers became dumb again.

We were not allowed to drink or eat anything when on shift, and you only got a lunchbreak when you worked a double. (That means working from 7am to 12pm) So, no milo, no hot soup, we were allowed to drink water.(And we could not even have it hot)

Chantelle and I were so cold in winters that our fingers got bumps on them. We never quite figured out what the bumps were, but they looked red and were itchy.

Added onto that is the fact that you wear a uniform. You are only allowed to wear black pants, and not those thick black pants or black jeans. Flimsy ones, that when you hold them up to the light, you can see through them. And then your shirt is also flimsy, luckily we had a drymac, but it did not do much.

It was the most unthankful, toughest job I have ever had, but I could not take some days off or quit, coz I had to pay the rent.

Praying payed off, because I got my first real job at Computicket.(after working at the restaurant for two years)

But, if you excuse me now, I am going to sip the milo my tea lady just dropped off.

Aaaah, I wonder if I should not buy those teeny tiny marshmallows to put in my cup?

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