Monday, May 14, 2007


Get your Mojo back, yeah baby yeah! Austin Powers always seems to creep into my vocabulary...I am working on erasing the sayings from my memory.
Moyo is a great dining experience! If you have not tried it, make a reservation! As you walk in,you get the African feel. The decor is great, with very rough copper finishes, and predominantly earth colours. The tables outside have a couple of love seats and the waiters bring blankets to you, as the winter air is very...crisp.
The waitress came around and washed our hands...hygiene is important, we all know that, but it was more about the tradition. She was saying something under her breath while she poured the scented water over our hands, it sounded like a type of chant. There is something very sacred about washing your hands with close friends. It reminded me of when I was at church a while back. It was a very traditional church, my friend and I washed each others feet, as an admittance that we are all sinners, and have to be humble to one another. 
The food was very special, from the bread platter to the desserts.
It was highly flavoured and spicy. And I had the BEST lamb chop of my life that night.
As we were dishing up, Michelle had a 'leg of ham' moment. At the starter table, there were slices of cold meat. She forked up a roll, and accidentally dropped it, but caught it on her leg.
We all saw this and were quite shocked. Michelle saw our faces and said: "Don't worry I caught it on my leg!" Then she tried to offer it to one of us, but NO THANKS...ha ha
As part of the tradition, we also had our faces painted, watch this space for photo's!

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