Monday, May 14, 2007

Adventure Golf

Michelle was meeting Buyi (a friend she had not seen in 10 years) and we had time to kill, so decided to sign up for adventure golf. (It is more than GOLF, it is an ADVENTURE)
At first we wrote our scores down diligently (even though we dit not yet know what "par" meant and had no idea how to write the scores down) At the start of the second course, I asked Michelle if she was going to tally up the score when we were done, no, she was not. I was not going to either, so then we stopped writing it down. We were playing for fun anyway.
But not the couple behind us though. The man was filming his girlfriend playing shots. The strange thing is that he was recording the ball going into the hole and not her. Guess is, he goes home and tells her where she went wrong?
Ha ha ha...



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