Friday, May 11, 2007


She are here...
The eagle has landed. And she is nesting at my humble abode..
I went to fetch her at the airport yesterday. Prayed all the way in the Joburg traffic, at least I had my new Bjork CD pumping tunes (quite depressing and twisted tunes, if you ask me, but then again I am so twisted myself, I can take it)
We went for dinner. And acted like an old married couple. (Jan Willem you have some competition...ha ha)
It started off with Michelle being kind enough to share my chips with me, share the calories, share the love. I then spot her calamri, and seeing as though I have never tried it, decide to take a little bite. Turns out calamari is quite lekker, so Mich dishes over the whole piece to me.
Mich used up her whole lemon on her calamari, and spots my lemon. So she asks if she can have it, and I transfer it to her plate. Then she asks for a piece of my cordon bleau, which I willingly place onto her plate.
Then we both realize that we are acting like an old married couple, dishing out food for one another.
We sorted out her rental car. Of course when you rent a car you are parked in a different parking bay to the paid parking customers.So I try to figure out how I am going to get to her parking bay, because I am her guide to get home.
I run to my car, parking ticket in one hand and money in the other. SO ORGANISED..
But, wait, where is the car..
I can't remember where I parked...
Nothing rings a I look on the parking ticket and it says I entered on entrance31, run to the parking attendant..where the heck is this entrance?
"Go down two levels..."
So I go down two levels, run out, can't see the car anywhere...Ok, maybe I had to go down to level two,not down two levels as I was told.
By luck I find the car, run to pay the parking ticket. I am R5 short. I chuck my bag on the floor and frantically search for those three R5 coins I know I have in there. But as Murphy would have it, I can't find them. The dude next to me sees I look a little lost and pays the money I am short. (And who says Joburgers are not nice?)
Shot dude, karma will sort you out later, I am sure.
After I picked her up, we set off in a convoy to get home. Stefan in front, followed by me and Mich.
Well, I lost the plot somewhere along the line that day and with that, Stefan too. I ended up taking the wrong turn off and ended up in Johannesburg Central somewhere at a dodgey McDonalds (yeah, you get those) with a lady who was asking money from the wrong person (me) at the wrong time. I am sure karma will sort me out for not being nicer to her, I bet.
And then the Bjork tunes were getting to me, it felt like I was in a bad horror movie again (like that Wrong Turn incident I had encountered last year)
So I phone Stefan, and he was such a heroe, he stops his car somewhere on the highway to get his laptop to try VeZA me to the right location.
What a long day, I was so happy to hit that pillow. It is smooth sailing from here on out though, we are all going for a dinner at Moyo tonight.



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