Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Living da vida loca

One thing I learnt on Saturday night, is that you are not allowed to stand still for over five minutes in the Sandton Square.
We were waiting for friends in front of the bronze Nelson Mandela statue, when a security guard approached us and asked us to please stand somewhere else, seeing as though we are not allowed to stand still for more than five minutes.
So what did we do?
Our friend met us and we went to dinner. We had some champagne and seeing as though Spur taught me that they don't make Champagne in South Africa, I always make it my mission to check for that line "SPARKLING WINE" on the label. When I spot this line, I laugh to myself, the way a conniosseur of champagne and fine wines would laugh at people who drink BOX wine. (Even though I drink box wine too)
On this particular bottle, I did not see those words. Which meant it was imported.
Later on, we realise that each bottle costs R880.00.
Mmmm, ok.
Then we go to the Fashion TV club, where the Peroni models were hanging out. It was fun, Michelle and I were the centre of attention, because we wore the same colour red dress. I was at the point of faking a lesbian affair to put some dudes off. But it was not needed, as my "look" did the trick. Mwa ha ha...many dudes who have tried their luck with me, know that look.
Afterwards we try and find our car, at that point we had both taken off our shoes and were jogging through the Sandton Mall, barefoot, looking for our car. Something we neglected to notice, is that the mall closes its' doors after 1PM in the evening. So after much time, we spot our car. But it is on the other side of the locked glass door!
So we go upstairs, to find one door open, and race down stairs in the parking lot to the car.
What a night!

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