Wednesday, May 23, 2007

mission impossible

I only enjoy my ProNutro cereal when it is not very stiff. In order to achieve this, I add lots of milk, use a little bit of ProNutro and eat it immediately. I am on a serious mission just after I have mixed my cereal.
"GO soldier, go go go! You only have two minutes to spare for the perfect bowl of cereal! Get out of my way everybody, MOVE MOVE MOVE"
All of this is going on inside my head of course, but from the outside, people just see my usual little approachable face, and try and talk to me.
I can't stand it when somebody tries to have a long conversation with me, just as I have the bowl at the perfect consistency. Or when the phone rings just I am about to have a spoonful. By the time I get back to my ProNutro it has gone all stiff and dry.
Bleg...then I have to add more milk, but the stiff bits don't dissolve well and the whole bowl is an inconsistent consistency.
Can't handle it!!
My second pet hate is when I wake up, because I need to go to the toilet.
Now, I am already irritated, because I could have slept a little more, had nature not called. But it did, and now I have to deal with it.
So, I sneak out from under the covers. Make a dash for the loo, try and avoid all the people who have already woken up. You see, my body starts sending out those 'wakey-uppy-it-is-a-glorious-sunshiny-day' chemicals as soon as I start talking. SO, naturally I try avoid human communication to save myself from having to wakey uppy. (What gives you the idea that I am not a morning person?!)
Waking up earlier then 11, is something I desperately try to avoid...especially on the weekend.
BUT, there is always that one early bird, who tries to catch the early worm (me) And they just have to be so bloody happy about the new day, and they just have to say:
Their comment is met by me glaring at them in my most: "Yes, OF COURSE it WAS a lovely day, until you spoke to me! Have you any idea of the chemical processes you have set off in my body now?! THANKS A MILLION, I am going to make sure you have a LOVELY day today, believe me"
I was just going to the loo! I was not awake! Technically speaking, I am sleep walking!

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