Tuesday, May 15, 2007

see spot run

About two years ago, we decided to cut down on our budgets and (for want of a better word) 'invested' in a cheaper washing powder.
A week later, I started getting spots on my body. Itchy spots ALL OVER...
Eventually, I figured out that I am allergic to the new washing powder and we switch back to the trusty brand and a week or two later, my spots disappear.
I learnt my lesson and never switched brands again.
Thus it was strange when a week or two ago, I started getting spots again. It could not be the washing powder for sure, because I did not switch brands. Mmmm, well by the last weekend, I was covered in HUNDREDS of spots. I am so glad it is winter and I can cover up, because it looked bad.
On Saturday, I decided to wash everything in my cupboard.
I take out the washing powder, and look on the box closely, only to notice that it IS a different washing powder!
The colour of the box was the same as always, but it was not the same type I had been using.
So now I am rewashing everything in my cupboard with the old trusted brand.
The spots are still everywhere though...



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