Thursday, May 17, 2007

scary stuff

How many of you have seen that advert about the little boy who watched scary movies?
He goes to bed and one sees the images flicker inside his head, while he is sleeping.
I am that little boy!
Ok, not literally, I am San, not a little boy, let us try again: "I am like that little boy!'
I watched a scary movie on Monday, and I was fine while watching it, got scared here and there, but not as bad as I used to be.
But every night since then, I have been having nightmares, last night I dreamt a bunch of people and me were in a swimming pool. One of the guys bit my cheek ...mmmm, me biting that other boy as a toddler, has come back to haunt me...(refer to earlier post) but he ate like chunks of flesh out my my face, and dangled the bits between his teeth.
How twisted!
No more scary movies for me, my psychie can't handle it...

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