Monday, May 07, 2007


We all had a teacher that did not like us, right?
Mine was the English teacher I had in Grade 9...or 10...
She was old, wore glasses that made her squint and had mousy grey hair, and her voice went shrill when she thought we were up to "intolerable behaviour."
Let me be honest, I did not like her.
And, she did not like me, which made me dislike her, and vice versa.
She always looked for a reason to chase me out of class. To uproot me from my chair. And, to her greatest regret, could never quite find a reason to do so. I did my homework, knew enough answers to seem interested, and kept quiet for longer than most when asked to.
And one day she was given the chance to "uproot" me. I opened my mouth to ask if I could borrow somebody's dictionary, and she was there like a vulture. Ready as anything to finally chase me out. Problem was, that I technically did not say her case was pretty feeble.
However, that same day, I had prepared a flower arrangement for Home Economics. I was busy looking at the flower arrangement, when she hollered that I was not paying attention and that me and my flower arrangement
(OOPS: "My flower arrangement and I")
had to go stand outside in the hall and SHE HOPES THAT THE PRINCIPAL WAKLS PAST. As luck would have it, the Principal did walk past. But he had a fat chat with me, instead of reprimanding me.
He asked why I was outside, and I said:
"I was sent oustide to view my flower arrangement, Ma'am was kind enough to consider that the light is much better outside the classroom."
And that was that.



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