Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Growing up

I found happiness and contempt within myself the day I stopped focusing on what I still needed to gain, and started focusing on what I have already found and already achieved.
Secret to my happiness.
I have changed a great deal the past year or so.
I found that it is a lot more rewarding to feed positive thoughts to people's perception of others, than enhancing their negative perceptions.
And I did not really even focus on this, it just started happening these last few months.
Somebody was upset with their boyfriend and when they finished talking to me, they wanted to phone him and could not wait to see him.
Somebody else was edgy with their son, and when they finished having a chat with me, they felt extra motherly and could not wait to see them when they got home.
Instead of fighting fire with fire, these days, I manage to neutralize conflict situations. I put emotions aside and focus on solutions.
Seems if you find happiness within yourself, you have enough happiness to give out to others.
Feels great!



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