Friday, May 11, 2007

Sans snippet

San's snippet
More on me...I filled in one of those pass-around FW things...
1. Favourite TV show?                                                      My name is Earl
2. Favourite cuisine?                                                        Is Woolies foods a kind of cuisine?
3. What is your favourite CD at the moment?                   Bjork - Greatest Hits
4. Favourite sandwhich?                                                  A toasted cheese and tomato sandwich, but you  HAVE to  wash it down with a strawberry milkshake
5.Favourite saying?                                                          "She who travels lightest travels furthest
6. Are you a morning or evening person?                        Night, I only become pleasant after five
7. What is your shoe size?                                                3 - 5, depends where I am shopping
8. Any new and exciting news you would like to share?  My friend from Holland is here, isn't that weird!??
9. What did you want to be when you were little?            A game ranger or a journalist
10. Favourite day of the year?                                         
That first day of summer, when you FEEL it in the air...LOVE it, it is my happiest day of the year
11.Favourite smell?                                                       Dry highveld grass just after it has rained.

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