Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Sandton creature

The Sandton creature is extremely easy to spot, believe me, they don't go into hiding or attempt camouflage.
Want to find one? Well then...
Look for a manequin-type other words, a PLASTIC woman...
Look for a jock..
Look for a branded clone...always-surprised eyebrows...Gucci/Guess/etc
Listen out for a drawling voice and a HOWZIT boet...
Sniff out a snobby reeks, it is not easy to miss
Feel the ICE cold, cool personality...
They are 'cookie cut' people..fitting into the perfect mould...
If I were to market this ideology to them (something the already have)  BUT tell them it is exclusive...I am sure they would buy into it. All over again, not realising they already are like this. The would buy into it, just like they try to buy everything else.
I am worried that the Sandton-condition is contagious....

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