Tuesday, December 11, 2007

even more tidbits

how old are you really?
Want to know you real age, based on how well you take care of your body? Take the free test at www.realage.com to find out.
The questionaire takes about 20 minutes to complete and looks at over 100 health factors, like nutrition and medical history to calculate your real age. Youll also get a printable summary to give your doctor and an action plan to improve your real age. Be brave, you may be pleasantly suprised!
...At least three minutes...
Is the amount of time a cup of tea shoul be left to brew. The longer it brews , the greater the concentration of flavonoids - a group of antioxidant compunds found in fruit, veg, nuts, cereals, red wine, purple grape juice, and of course, tea. Research has revealed that these tea flavonoids have potent scavenge free radicals, inhibit tumour growth and reduce tumour incidence and size. Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world- after water. And, because it's so health-promoting, let's keep it that way..
Shape Magazine

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