Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cool it granny

Just because you are old, and somebody's granny..doesn't mean you're always going to get your way!
Let me elaborate:
So, a while back, I was sitting on my own in the theatre, waiting for Lion King to start. I notice a Greek-ish looking family filling out the seats surrounding me.
The show is about to start, and the granny coo's to me:
"Can I ask you a HUGE favour?" Batting her eyelids "My grandson is sitting by himself a few rows back..and seeing as though you are sitting alone.." Batting eyelids and trying to look ten years older "...don't you want to swop seats with him?"
I ask her : "Where's he sitting?"
She responds:  "Only a few rows back. Look! He's waving and smiling!"
I look a 'few' rows back, and barely manage to make out a little dude smiling and waving at me. What a terrible seat! I think they pay half of what we paid to get me where I am seated at the moment.
"No. Sorry" I reply.
She gave me a few stares throughout the production, and that was the end of that

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