Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I really despise football on a normal day. And when my usual episode of America's Next Top Model gets replaced by it...Well, then I LOATHE football.
If you are to be a football player, I firmly believe you need a degree in drama.
They are the biggest woosies and drama queens.
There will always be overtime in a game, because some or other twit was delivering a star performance. This star performance is of course, the one he delivers after he was bumped, and he is trying to sell this as nearly dying. The foolsballers perform this elaborate swan's dance, in the hopes of their opponent getting a red or yellow card. I mean, they can't really score penalty points on skill..cos they seriously lack this.
It's not a sport, it is a joke.
Now the supermodels on ANTM are tough in comparison. Do you think it is easy waxing ANY part of your body, let alone your sensitive bits?
They can handle pain.
Another point is, that these models often wear shoes (nay, stilletos) that are 2 sizes too small. This takes endurance and SKILL. Nah, supermodels INVENTED pain, and footballers try to fake it or copy it.
Then of course, there is the fact that 90 minutes of play-time will usually deliver only ONE goal. The advantage of this, on the other hand, is that the game discussion does not last long. I mean, how much can you say about ONE goal.
And pzzzzzt..pfffffffft...that is it!

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