Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Efforless Motivation to Success - adapted from Laura Roman Lopez

  • Avoid negative people, things and places. You become successful by the people you associate with. Stop associating with negative people who only have their own interests at heart. Find like minded people to start a new social and business circle with
  • Be crystal clear in your mind on what you are motivating towards. You have to see it, to truely believe it
  • Self discipline is vital to staying motivated
  • Do not allow anyone to be the killer of your dreams. Individuals will try either consciously or subconsciously to bring you down. Loved ones are especially capable of this, believing that they are giving you good advice. Simply thank them for caring and continue on your path
  • Approaching life from the highest level of dignity and morality is the best motivator. Doors will open for you when you are operating from this position
  • When you become the "go-to" person that everyone trusts, it is extremely motivating. You continue to raise the bar of excellence. People will gravitate towards you for it
  • Never be afraid to fail. It is amazingly motivating if you can see the opportunity from your challenges
  • When you learn to attack each situation with persistance, your completion rate will increase
  • Motivation is knowing that you are over-delivering. The fastest way to success is to help as many people as you can to be successful. Whenever you think that you have met your requirements, keep going. You will also set yourself apart from the masses. Over-delivering is important, yet unknown
  • Remember, you are unique. Value your life and the contributions you are making
  • Understand others. If you know how to speak, you should also learn to listen. Learn to understand first, and then to be understood
  • Create a self motivating mantra
  • Motivation is also about preperation
  • Enjoy life more
  • Learn to live by your own expectations and not by the expectation of others
  • Try to see the big picture
  • Procrastination is one of the main reasons why people fail
When implementing these steps, you will be awakening the self motivator that is you. Your ability to stay motivated is never too far away if you commit to doing it yourself. Yes, others can still play a role on your way to success - a supportive role. You are the main character and you command self motivation

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