Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Have some manners...please

You may be working your butt off to clamber higher up the corporate career ladder, but it doesn't mean your attitude has to be of the "every woman for herself" ilk. Here are 10 rules of business and interpersonal manners from What clients love: A field guide to Growing your Business, by Harry Beckwith (Warner Business Books) Scrawl them on your whiteboard, desktop, fridge door or forehead, and remember: a few good manners do a whole lot of good.
  1. Always wait a split second after a person finishes talking before you start to speak
  2. Listen with your entire body
  3. Be Positive
  4. Speak well of others
  5. Memorise names
  6. Never try to impress. The effort always shows and it diminishes you
  7. Never make your conversations - particularly on cellphones - public
  8. Praise, but never flatter. Praise makes people feel good- flattery makes them feel manipulated
  9. A simple rule when you're in doubt - be kind
  10. Just do these!
Shape - June 2006

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