Wednesday, December 05, 2007

2007 - highlights

Ok, so this has once again been the year for major decisions.

Joe's take on this:  the day your decision-making is limited to what to have for dinner, is the day you are retired.
So basically, I must get used to it...I will be making major decisions until I am 45 (the age I intend to retire on)   :-) 

But really, what a year, people! Let's recap:

  • Moved to Johannesburg ( a city that is 3 times faster than Pretoria)
  • Started a new job
  • Met my better..half 
  • Fell in luuuuuurve..head-over-heels-and-over-again... 
  • Had my better half move to Australia 
  • Started dating lost distance 
  • Decluttered! Threw out and gave out 3 garbage bags of things I have been lugging around  (some of the stuff I had lugged around for 3/4 years!) 
  • Got over issues, lots of issues, lots of tissues
  • Started gym.. wait, let me rephrase that, I went from no gym to doing  it  6 - 7 hours a week ! Still going strong too, it has been 6 months now! 
  • Planned a trip to Australia
  • Got my first VISA and international driver's license
  • Hosted lots of parties / braais
  • Made lots of time for my friends
  • Got in contact with people I haven't been in contact with (Some for over 7 years!)
  • Had Michelle at my house a couple of times :-)
  • Held a picnic
  • Drank R900 champagne, the REAL deal!
  • Picked up a little bit of a Sandton accent HONEY
  • Got my first promotion
  • Went for an operation on my own
  • Went to the dentist for the first time in years
  • Grew my hair long
  • House sat
  • Went diving for the first time
  • Went camping for the first time in ages
  • Started aerobics (which is kind of like dancing for me)
  • Spoke up when people irritated me
  • Helped people out a lot more
  • Got registered for tax
  • Realised I am clean as a whistle
  • Went to cinema noveau
  • Had calamari, and it was actually nice
  • Had hake and that was nice too
  • Got over seeing South African celebrities
  • Went to a crazy R75 sale
  • Went to my first girly jewellery party
  • Watched the Lion King and Groet die Grotman - two of the most amazing live theatre shows!
  • Got bored with night clubs, can you believe it?
  • Got bitten by a monkey
  • Went to the South Coast, where I got so drrrrrrrrrunk I threw up (that was a first, I blame it on the altitude)
  • Closed two accounts!
  • Learnt the corporate lingo and dress code
  • Worked myself into a stupor
  • Got recognised for working myself into a stupor
  • Turned 22
  • Got my license card delivered to me

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