Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bakers recipes

Black Forest Cheesecake
1 packet Bakers Betta Snack Digestive Original biscuits, crushed
1/2 cup (125ml) melted mararine
1 tub (250ml) mascarpone cheese
1 tub (250ml) smooth cottage cheese
1 tin condensed milk
1 packet lemon jelly
1/2 cup (125ml) boiling water
1/2 cup (125ml) lemon juice
  1. Mix Bakers Betta Snack Digestive Original biscuits and margerine to form the base of the cake and allow to set in a 22cm diameter lined springform pan
  2. Make the jelly by adding boiling water and then the lemon juice and allow to cool
  3. Mix together the Mascarpone cheese, cottage cheese and condensed milk and pour in the jelly mixture
  4. Pour over the base and allow to set in the fridge
1 tin black cherries, juice drained
1 tbsp cornflour
  1. Thicken the cherry juice with cornflour over low heat
  2. Add cherries, allow to cool and pour over cheesecake
Iced Granadilla Tart
1 packet Baker Ginger nuts, crushed
1/2 cup (125ml) melted margerine
1 packet lemon or lime jelly
1/2 cup (125ml) boiling water
1/2 cup (125ml) cold water
1/2 tin condensed milk
2 tins granadilla pup, reserving 2 tbsp for decoration
whipped cream
  1. Combine crushed biscuits and melted margarine
  2. Lien base of a tart dish with biscuits mixture
  3. Make the jelly by mixing powder with boiling water and then cold water, and allow to cool to room temperature
  4. Add condensed milk and granadilla pulp and mix well
  5. Pour into biscuit base and refrigerate until chilled and set approx. 4 - 5 hours
  6. Decorate with reserved fruit pulp and whipped cream
Quick Lemon Delight
1 Packet Bakers Tennis Biscuits
2 cups (500ml) Ellis Brown Coffee Creamer powder
1 cup (250ml) iced water
1 tin condensed milk
130ml lemon juice
garnish with thinly sliced lemon and some crushed biscuits
  1. Lay whole Bakers Tennis Biscuits in glass dish
  2. Mix the coffee creamer and the iced water
  3. Add condensed milk and lemon juice and mix well
  4. Pour half condensed milk mixture over the biscuits and pour over remaining mixture
  5. Allow to set in the fridge for approx. 1 - 2 hours
Easy peanut bisuit puffs
1 x 200g Bakers Marie or Tennis Biscuits - roughly crushed
1 cup golden syrup
300ml sugar
300ml chunky peanut butter
  1. Bring the syrup and sugar slowly to the boil over low heat
  2. Stir in the peanut butter and broken biscuits
  3. Place in small cupcake holders or drop spoonfuls onto wax paper and allow to cool
  4. Store in an airtight container
Creamy Cherry Apricot Pie
1 packet orange or peach jelly
1/2 cup (125ml) boiling water
1/2 cup (125ml) cold water
2 tubs (175ml)  apricot yoghurt
1/2 cup halved maraschino cherries
 1 cup (250ml) cream, whipped
1 packet Bakers Marie Biscuits, crushed
1/2 cup (125ml) melted margarine
  1. Mix crushed biscuits and margarine to form the base of the pie
  2. Make jelly by adding boiling water and then cold water and allow to cool but not set
  3. Add yoghurt, maraschino cherries to whipped cream, and fold into the jelly mixture
  4. Pour yoghurt mix on top of biscuits and allow to set in the fridge for approx. 6 hours
Strawberry Winter Dessert
1 packet Bakers Romany Creams Classic Choc
11/2 cup (375ml) Milk
1 packet strawberry instant pudding
1/2 cup (125ml) frozen berries
1 tub (250ml) cream, whipped
  1. Using a knife, seperate each biscuit by slicing through the chocolate and pulling the halves apart
  2. Place seperated Bakers Romany Creams Classic Choc in a single layer pie dish
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine milk and instant pudding and mix until thick
  4. Fold in whipped cream
  5. Stir in the frozen berries
  6. Pour over seperated biscuits, place second layer of biscuits on top and pour over remaining pudding
  7. Refrigerate for two hours and serve chilled. Best served on day of preperation.
Special Shortbread Torte
125g butter
125ml  castor sugar
2 eggs, seperated
100g ground almonds
2 drops almond essence
125ml Amarula cream liquer
2 boxes Bakers Eet Sum Mor Biscuits
100g melted chocolate
Flaked almonds to decorate
  1. Beat butter and castor sugar in a bowl until creamy
  2. Beat in egg yolks and fold in almond essence
  3. Beat the egg whites to firm peaks before folding into almond mixture
  4. Dip 8 Eat Sum More Biscuits into Amarula cream and place on a sheet of foil in 2 long rows to make a rectangle
  5. Spread half the almond mixture onto biscuits
  6. Place another 8 dipped biscuits on top, then the remaining filling
  7. Top with the last layer of biscuits, dipping each one into Amarula Cream
  8. Wrap in foil and refrigerate overnight
  9. Transfer onto a serving platter and drizzle with melted chocolate and flaked almonds

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