Thursday, October 25, 2007

What is wrong with tradition?

Well, first of all reader, to get your attention, and make you think this will be a profound entry (which it is)..I am going to start by saying:
"oprah once said.."
And then I will continue, by stating what Oprah once said:
"When you make tea for yourself in bed, in the morning, use a tea tray. It will turn a normal cup of tea into a special occasion.."
And when my friend showed me what she did for a simple dinner the other day, I realised I do prefer the traditional dinner-at-the-table thing.
We grew up like that, TV dinners were only something I came acustomed to, when I started living on my own. It took a while to get used to eating on your lap. And lots of my T-shirts had dribble stains for that first year.
There is just something about setting a table, using a tablecloth and setting your plate on a table and not your lap.

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