Thursday, October 11, 2007


Wanna hear about my week?
Normally, I do a double session of gym on a Tuesday, I do aerobics with a girl (B), wait a while, and then do an hour with the boys. Normally, I fetch my bag when B does, and check my phone to get an update if the boys are coming.
But on this Tuesday, I could not find a locker whose lock fits that of my padlock. I looked everywhere, but every one that fits, already had a bag in it. Eventually, time runs out, our class is about to start, so I decide to take out one of the bags, move it, and put my bag in the empty locker.
I think to myself: Karma is going to bite me in the ass
But how?
I do my normal butt kicking in aerobics, and then go to the lockers to fetch my bag, as I usually do.
I recognise the bag I had moved, and a chick is hunched over it. Uh oh.
I can't move my bag now, cos she is going to know that I was the one that moved her bag in the first place. 
So I can't check my phone as I usually do, I have to wait for the chick to disappear.
I see B off, walk around, buy a snacker, and go back to the lockers.
The chick is gone, phew!
I check my phone, the boys are not coming to gym!
I am stranded, as B has left!
Panick. I phone the boys, but luckily they will come to stop by again.
So I continue the rest of my session, while waiting for the boys.
As I clamber onto the ab machine, I hear a BOOM, and the electricity blacks out. EISH!
This is not my day!
I guide my way out of the dark gym, and see that the cyclists still pumping away..mmmm, the electricity is out, so it is time for you to get out? Apparently not.
I make dinner, sausage, potato bake and sweetcorn.
I take a bite, while talking to Lauren, then I feel something like a stone in my mouth.
These stupid cheap ass sausages, what will you find in here next?
I then feel a HUGE GAPING HOLE in my molar!
It is not the sausage, it is my tooth!
A piece of my tooth bliksemd out. Great, freaking grrrrrrrrrreat!
One of my flatmates friends came over. He is attached to his doggy and carries it wherever he goes.
The dog was in a fight, so she is wearing a cone. So last  night, the first sight that greets me, is a jack russel with a huge cone around her head.
Why do people invite you to awkward places?
Wanna hear a great way to get off work early?
Use the spring rains as a reason to create a Tsunami storm warning. Send an e-mail to everybody in your address book. And wait for the fun to start.
Wonder, which genius thought this one up?
I have been feeling TERRIBLE all week. Not sick. I just have this pit in my stomach kind of feeling. Must be the weather?
I don't know a Jaco, OK?!!
Over xmas time last year, this guy kept asking for Jaco, and obviously, it is not me! First of all, I have a very feminine voice over the phone (Some people, yeah lonely people, but hey, I take whatever I can get, they have complemented me on my voice) And B, I answer saying: SAN speaking, Hello! And my voice message says, THIS IS SAN I AM NOT AVAILABLE, LEAVE A MESSAGE
On Xmas day, he even phoned 4 times. Not getting the message.
And guess who phone me four times today and left 2 voice messages?
The same old guy who looks for Jaco.
I am starting to doubt myself even.
Should I know a JACO?!!!??

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