Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A showcase for your tools

Got a box of rusty tools lying around? With a little care you can give them a new lease on life and put them on display
  • saw and tenon saw
  • plane or circular saw
  • sandpaper
  • bradawl
  • pencil
  • drill and router bit
  • clamp
  • straight edge
  • chisel
  • wood glue
A*: window sash 870 x 710 x 30mm oregon, glazed
B: 2 case sides 145 x 20 x 870mm oregon
C: 4 top/bottom/shelves 135 x 20 x 680mm oregon
D: top rail 70 x 20 x 670mm oregon
E: 7 backing boards 100 x 10 x 850mm oregon panelling
F: Long top decoration 90 x 20  750mm oregon
G: 2 end decorations 90 x 20 x 105mm oregon
850mm piano hinge
water-based clear ployurethane with satin finish
Roller catch
Wooden knob
Wood filler
White or cream paint
*size of window frames are cut to equal width, sash grooves and horns removed
  1. Remove sash cords, clouts and old hardware from the window (A) Cut horns flush with the top of the frame. Plane away the grooves that housed the sash cords and use a circular saw or plane to even up the sash rails that will become the uprights. Fill holes, sand and paint the window with a coat of white or cream paint When dry, sand again lightly to reveal some of the old surface. Finish with two thin coats of water-based clear polyurethane with a satin finish
  2. Cut the timber components 25mm longer than needed, remove old nails and use a bradawl to check under the wood filler for rusted nail heads. Remove the old surface of the wood with a plane to reveal the grain on both sides and to finish boards 20mm thick
  3. Plane the tongue off the floorboards so they finish 145mm wide. For the two sides (B), plane off the inner part of the tongue groove, leaving the outer section to form a rebate. Plane groove entirely off the top, bottom and shelves (C) to produce boards 135mm wide
  4. Use the window sash to mark the positions of the 20mm-wide housings for the shelves. The shelves should coincide with the position of th glazing bars. Also mark in the 20mm-wide rebate at the top and bottom. Measure 20mm back from the front edge to stop the housings and rebates. Set a 19mm straight router bit to cut 5mm deep, clamp on a straight edge and rout the housings and rebates. Move the straight edge by 1mm and rerout for 20mm housings
  5. Adapt the front edge of the top, bottom and shelves with a 30 x 5mm notch. The extra lenght means you do not have to sqaure the ends of the housing in the sides. Cut down the notch carefully with a tenon saw, then chisel out the waste
  6. Apply glue to the hsouings and rebates and rbing in the horizontal members. Secure with three nails from the sides, and punch them below the surface
  7. Saw the top rail (D) to width and install flush with the rebate at the back. Add backing boards (E), working outwards from the centre so that they are evenly spaced. Plane edge boards as needed to fit
  8. Screw on top decoration (F) by centering it on the cabinet and leaving a 50mm overhang at the front. Then screw on the side pieces (G) Fill the nail holes with wood filler and sand the entire unit, then apply two coats of water-based clear polyurethane with a satin finish.
  9. Screw the window frame to the cabinet with a continuous lenght of piane hinge. To finish, add the knob and roller catch to the front door



50 - 60 COARSE:

Add a bit of elbow grease, and this will remove all paint and smooth out any rough surfaces

80 - 100 MEDIUM:

This sandpaper is used to prepare painted surfaces, such as varnished window frames, before you repaint them. This will remove the worst dry varnish or paint flakes before you use a finer grade of sandpaper. Also sand any surface with this grade after you've tackled it with coarser sandpaper

120 - 150 FINE:

This grade is used to obtain your final smooth finish before you apply varnish or paint

160 - 240 VERY FINE:

This grade is used between coats of paint or varnosh. After your first coat of paint or varnsih, small wood hairs usually pop up and make the surface feel slightly iuneven. Very fine sandpaper can be used to sand the little hairs away so that you can achieve a smooth finish


This grade of sandpaper is mostly used by panel beaters to prepare surfaces for spray painting. Used with water, it can provide a very smooth finish


  • It's difficult to sand away scratch marks that run against the grain of the wood. Always work with the grain
  • Remove varnish that may collect on the sandpaper by rubbing a new piece of sandpaper against it, or clean it with a steel brush
  • Nail the sandpaper onto a block of wood using small nails to ensure that the sanding will be even. This also makes it easier to sand a large surface such as a door or it's frame. It's also easier to reach into uncomfortable corners if you use a wooden block
  • Store sandpaper by sticking it (in the right grades) onto a notice board (chipboard) and hanging it in a dry place. When the paper gets wet it's nearly impossible to save it for re-use, except, of course, if it's used specifically with water.
  • If you have a blunt pair of kitchen scissors, use it to cut sandpaper into strips. At the same time you will be sharpening the blades of scissors
  • You can use sandpaper - preferably a finer grade - to scrub your heels (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEUW, ok not for me, thanks)
  • The more sandpaper gets used, the finer it gets, so keep used sandpaper for the next, finer, sanding job
  • Although it is slightly uncomfortable to sand with gloves on, it's safer.
Home - April 2005

Switserse ete vir die koue

Geure van Switserland

Gewilde bestanddele in die Switserse kookkuns sluit in 'n verskeidenheid brode, suiwel-produkte en kaas. Wors en vleis- veral kalfsvleis, varkvelis en hoender of kalkoen, word op baie maniere gaargemaak en saam met vars groente, aartappelgeregte, rys of pasta, voorgesit. Die kaas-fondue saam met vars brood is 'n gunstelling, en quiches is ook baie gewild. Die Switsers is bobaas-bakkers en gebruik vars vurgte, bessies of kersies om heerlike vrugtetertjies en koeke te bak. Dan is Switseralnd natuurlik ook bekend vir sy smullekker sjokolade.

Emmantel en karwysaadsop

Genoeg vir 6
Bereidingstyd: 15 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 35 minute

  • 100g (100ml) botter
  • 6 preie, gekerf
  • 3 knoffelhuisies, fyngedruk
  • 65g (115ml) koekmeel
  • 1 liter hoender of groente aftreksel
  • 20ml karwysaad
  • 300ml melk
  • 200g emmantelkaas, gerasper
  • vars gerasperde neutmuskaat
  1. Verhit die botter in 'n groot kastrol oor medium hitte. Voeg preie by en soteer tot goudrbuin. Voeg die knoffel by en braai vir nog twee minute
  2. Roer die meel by en laat vir omtrent 'n minuut kook. Roer nou die aftreksel bietjies-bietjies by. Voeg die karwysaad by en kook oor medium hitte tot die mengsel begin verdik. Verlaag die hitte en laat vir 20 minute prut
  3. Voeg die melk by en rper tot deurwarm. Roer net voor etenstyd die kaas by en geur na smaak met vars gerasperde neutmuskaat. Sit dadelik voor saam met Franse brood
Kalfsvelis met 'n romerige sampioensous
Genoeg vir 6
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 20 minute
  • 10g droë porcini-sampioene
  • 250g gemengde vars sampioene, gekerf (los die heel kleintjies heel)
  • 1kg kalfsvleis of varkfilet
  • 40ml koekmeel
  • 50g (50ml) botter
  • 1 ui, fyn gekap
  • 150 ml bief of hoenderaftreksel
  • 150ml droë wit wyn
  • 150ml room
  • 45ml vars grasuie, gesnipper
  1. Week die droë sampioene in 100ml warm water. Wag tot dit sag is en dreineer dan. Sny dit fyn en meng met die vars sampioene
  2. Sny die vleis teen die grein in dun repies. Strooi die meel oor. Verhit die helfte van die botter in 'n groot kastrol. As dit warm is, voeg die vleis by en braai vir 1 minuut en roer heeltyd. Skep die vleis uit die pan
  3. Gooi die res van die botter in die kastrol en voeg die ui by. Soteer tot sag en voeg die sampioene by. Roer om dit te bedek en sit die deksel op. Laat die sampioene vir 5 minute prut tot sag
  4. Voeg die aftreksel en wyn by en verhit tot kookpunt. Laat vir 5 minute prut en afkook, roer die room by en voeg dan die vleis en grasuie by sodra die mengsel begin prut. As dit deurwarm is, kan jy dit na smaak geur en dadelik voorsit saam met aartappel-rosti en gestoomde vars groente
Aartappel Rosti
Let wel: Die aartappels vir die gereg moet die dag vooraf gekook word en oornag in die yskas gehou word
Genoeg vir 6
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: omtrent 30 minute
  • 6 middelslag tot groot gewaste aartappels, gekook
  • 30g (30ml) botter
  • 60ml sonneblomolie
  • 20ml water
  1. Skil die aartappels en rasper dit met die growwe kant van 'n rasper
  2. Verhit die helfte van die botter en olie in 'n kleefvrye swaarboompot. Jy kan ook twee panne gebruik as een nie groot genoeg is nie. As die pan warm is, kan jy die aartappels ingooi. Druk dit stewig vas. Sprinkel 'n bietjie water oor en sit die deksel op. Braai oor 'n lae hitte vir omtrent 15 minute tot die onderkant bros en goudbruin is. Sit 'n plat bord bo-oor die pan en keer die rosti op die bord uit
  3. Verhit die res van die botter en olie en laat die aartappelgebak terugglip in die pan. Sprinkel nog 'n bietjie water, bedek en braai tot die onderkant ook bros is. Sny in wiggies en bedien dadelik
Maak individuele , kleiner rosti, deur lepels van die gerasperde aartappel in die pan te sit pleks van een groot koek
Sjokolade Fondue
Genoeg vir 6
Bereidingstyd: 20 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 10 minute
  • 300g Toblerone (of donkersjokolade)
  • 125ml room
  • 30ml Kirsch (kersielikeur)
  • Blokkies vars vrugte, klein stukkies koek of snytjies rolkoek en vingerbeskuitjies om te doop
  1. Breek die sjokolade in stukkies. Sit die sjokolade, room en Kirsh in 'n kastrol en verhit oor baie lae hitte. Roer tot die sjokolade gesmelt het. Gooi in 'n fondue-pot oor 'n flou vlammetjie
  2. Sit voor met koek, vrugte en soet beskuitjies sodat die gaste dit in die sjokolade kan doop
Spesery neutkoekies
Genoeg vir: 2 groot bakplate
Bereidingstyd: 30 minute, plus staantyd
Baktyd: 20 minute
Oondtemperatuur: 200 grade Celcius
  • 610g (1125 ml) koekmeel
  • 10ml fyn kaneel
  • 7ml fyn naeltjies
  • 5ml fyn kardemon
  • 3ml fyn neutmuskaat
  • 5ml koeksoda
  • 250ml heuning
  • 125ml suiker
  • 30ml kirsch (Kersielikeur)
  • 150g grofgekapte amandels
  • 150g versuikerde sitrusskil
  • 15ml fyngerasperde suurlemoenskil
  • 150g (265ml) versiersuiker
  • 45ml water of Kirsch (kersielikeur)
  1. Voer twee reghoekige bakplate uit met waspapier
  2. Sif die meel, speserye en koeksoda saam, Meng die heuning, suiker en 30ml water in 'n klein kastrolletjie en smelt oor lae hitte. Dit moenie kook nie
  3. As die suiker opgelos het, verwyder van die plaat en laat effens afkoel. Gooi in 'n groot mengbak, voeg die droë mengsel asook die res van die bestanddele by. Meng met die deeghaak van 'n voedselverwerker tot glad. Voeg 15-30ml water by, indien dit nodig is
  4. Sprei die deeg in die bakplate uit tot 'n dikte van sowat 5mm. Gooi 'n skoon vadoek los bo-oor. Laat vir 3 tot 5 uur staan (of oornag), en bak dan vir 20 minute in 'n voorverhitte oond. GLASSEERSEL Terwyl die deeg bak, kan jy solank die glasseersel maak deur die versiersuiker en water of kersielikeur te meng
  5. Haal die koek uit die oond en verf dadelik met glassersel. Laat vir 10 minute afkoel en sny in diamant of reghoekvorms. Laat heeltemal afkoel op 'n draadrakkie en verf weer met die glassersel. Bêre in 'n lugdigte houers met waspapier tussen elke laag. Die koekies is op hul lekkerste as dit vir minstens vir 'n week gebêre word.
Iets te drinke
Geniet 'n glas wyn of Gluhwien saam met jou maaltyd. Rond die ete af met likeur, tee, koffie of warm-sjokolade
Gluhwein, of gekruide wyn, is 'n heerlike manier om gaste op 'n koue aand warm te kry. Probeer die resep: Meng 500ml water, 200ml suiker, 2 kaneelstokkies, drie naeltjies en 1ml fyn neutmuskaat in 'n kastrol. Verhit tot kookpunt en prut vir 10 minute. Haal die speserye uit en voeg 750ml rooi wyn by. Sit dadelik voor.
Skep die regte atmosfeer
Gebruik die Switserse vlag of kraakvars blou Alpelug as inspirasie. Gebruik 'n ou verweerde tafel met kontemporêre wit stoele vir 'n moderne weergawe van die tradisionele Switserse hut. Voer die tema verder met helderrooi, blou en wit stoelkussings, breekware en versierings.
Gee jou tafel lewe met 'n paar groenblaar takkies wat herinner aand die wouded van die Switserse Alpe
Geblikte presente
Maak 'n paar metaalblikkies vol Switserse lekkernye, in sneespapier toegedraai. Plak stroke rooi papier in kruisvorm oor die deksel vas vir versiering en om die geskenk te seel. Sit op die blikkies op elke gas se stoel 
Sit aan in styl
Sny rooi kruise uit rooi karton en skryf die naam van elke gas op 'n kruis. Laat die kruise lamineer en sny dit netjies uit (los 'n fun randjie rondom) Pons 'n gaatjie in die een punt van die kruis en druk 'n metaal-ogie daarin. Ryg 'n stukkie koord eur en bind die kruis ann die eetgerei of elke gas se stoel vas. Jy kan ook die kaartjies aan die tafelrand vasdruk met duimspykers
Laat die vlae wapper
Sny velle wit A4-karton middeldeur en verf die eenvoudige ontwerp vir die Switserse vlag daarop. Steek di vale aan stukkies koord vas en hang dit met plastiek-wasgoedpennetjies bo die tafel
Kerse en kruise
Gebruik teeligkersies in 'n eenvoudige ontwerp om sagte lig te skep. Sny dn strokies wit en rooi tissue papier sodat dit netjies om elke teeligkersie pas. Sny party stroke in kruise, gee dit 'n ligte laag spuitgom aan die kant en plak dit versigtig buite-om die teeligkersie.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Being lucky depends on where you find yourself.
I was doing circuit training at the gym yesterday, and I was SUPER lucky, because almost every machine I got onto, was set at the weights I usually train on. I had very few machines to adjust. So I considered myself lucky.
I also consider myself lucky, when, on a full day, there are three bikes next to one another. One for me and one each for the boys.
Maybe this is all part of having a happy outlook on life and positive perceptions

Thank you--Tech Support -- We salute You!!!

have I blogged this yet?



This ought to make you feel better about your computer skills!   Unbelievable, but supposedly all true!!!!    


Tech support:   What kind of computer do you have?
Female customer:   A white one...

Customer:   Hi, this is Maureen. I can't get my diskette out.
Tech support:  Have you tried pushing the Button?
Customer:  Yes, sure, it's really stuck.
Tech support:  That doesn't sound good; I'll make a note.
Customer:  No , wait a minute... I hadn't inserted it yet... it's still on my desk... sorry....


Tech support:  Click on the 'my computer' icon on to the left of the screen.
Customer:  Your left or my left?


Tech support:  Good day. How may I help you?
Male customer:   Hello... I can't print.
Tech support: Would you click on "start"  for me and.
Customer:  Listen pal; don't start getting technical on me! I'm not Bill Gates.

Customer:  Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print. Every time I try, it says 'Can't find printer'.  I've even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can't find it...


Customer:  I have problems printing in red...
Tech support:  Do you have a color printer?
Customer:  Aaaah...................thank you.

Tech support:  What's on your monitor now, ma'am?
Customer:   A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me at Woolies.


Customer:   My keyboard is not working anymore.
Tech support:  Are you sure it's plugged into the computer?
Customer:  No. I can't get behind the computer.
Tech support:  Pick up your keyboard and walk 10 paces back.
Customer:!   OK
Tech support:   Did the keyboard come with you?
Customer:  Yes
Tech support:  That means the keyboard is not plugged in. Is there another keyboard?
Customer:  Yes, there's another one here. Ah...that one does work...

Tech support:
  Your password is the small letter "a" as in apple, a capital letter V as in Victor, the number 7.
Customer:  Is that 7 in capital letters ?

 can't get on the Internet.
Tech support:  Are you sure you used the right password?
Customer:  Yes, I'm sure. I saw my colleague do it.
Tech support:  Can you tell me what the password was?
Customer:  Five stars.


Tech support:   What anti-virus program do you use?
Customer:  Netscape.
Tech support:  That's not an anti-virus program.
Customer:  Oh, sorry...Internet Explorer.

Customer:   I have a huge problem. A friend has placed a screen saver on my computer, but every time I move the mouse, it disappears.

Tech support:  How may I help you?
Customer:  I'm writing my first e-mail.
Tech support:  OK,  and what seems to be the problem?
Customer:  Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address, but how do I get the circle around it?



A woman customer called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer.
Tech support:  Are you running it under windows?
Customer:  "No, my desk is next to the door, but that is a good point.  The man sitting in the cubicle next to me is under a window, and his  printer is working fine."

And last but not least...

Tech support: "Okay Colin, let's press the control and escape keys at the same time. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter "P" to bring up the Program Manager."
Customer:  I don't have a P.
Tech support:  On your keyboard, Colin.
Customer:   What do you mean?
Tech support:  "P".....on your keyboard, Colin.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

full to the max


how does it happen

that people let others control them?


What is wrong with tradition?

Well, first of all reader, to get your attention, and make you think this will be a profound entry (which it is)..I am going to start by saying:
"oprah once said.."
And then I will continue, by stating what Oprah once said:
"When you make tea for yourself in bed, in the morning, use a tea tray. It will turn a normal cup of tea into a special occasion.."
And when my friend showed me what she did for a simple dinner the other day, I realised I do prefer the traditional dinner-at-the-table thing.
We grew up like that, TV dinners were only something I came acustomed to, when I started living on my own. It took a while to get used to eating on your lap. And lots of my T-shirts had dribble stains for that first year.
There is just something about setting a table, using a tablecloth and setting your plate on a table and not your lap.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ok, so how do you pronounce this name?




  no, really how do u? 

ba ha ha

Friday afternoon we can go for a beer and tally up;



·          Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you.

·          To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.

·          Leave your fly open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way". 

·          Walk sideways to the photocopier.

·          While going in an elevator, gasp dramatically each time the doors open.

·          When in elevator with one other person, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasn't you.

·          Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy..."

·          Don't use any punctuation.

·          Use your highlighter pen on the computer screen. 


·         Say to your boss, "I like your style", wink, and shoot him with double-barrelled fingers while making a clicking sound with  

          your tongue that resembles the sound of a revolver.

·          Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle.

·          Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

·          Every time you get an email, shout ''e-mail''.

·          Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone is over his or her caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.

·             Introduce yourself to a new colleague as "the office bicycle". Then wink and pout.

·          Call I.T. help desk and tell them that you can't seem to access any pornography web-sites.    


·          At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem (extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).

·          Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10times.

·          For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob".

·          Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two".

·          In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, damn it, all of you just shut up!"

·          During the course of a meeting, slowly edge your chair towards the door.

·          As often as possible, skip rather than walk.

·          Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.

·          Hump the photocopier. When someone spots you, stop and cough embarrassingly, then lean in to the machine and whisper loudly, "I'll call you tonight".