Tuesday, June 19, 2007

what the?

What do most motorists do when they see an accident along the side of the road, or what they think to be an accident? 
Slow down ,  of course.  
Many mornings the traffic is congested ,  and you hear on the radio that there is a bus broken down on the road. You would think that  this bus is stuck on one of the traffic lanes. But no, it is on the side of the road, clear out of the way, and the reason the traffic is slow is because everybody slows down to look.
The same kind of thing happened the other day. We were on our way to a braai in Pretoria, driving on the highway.
The first thing we noticed was the Coin Security vehicle, pulled onto the side of the road, with a cop car. Strange, because the police do not usually pull over these vehicles, due to the security risk involved.
This was going through both our minds, and we did not notice that the little blue car in front of us had stopped.
Not only stopped, its' tires were screaming and he was burning rubber, there was smoke everywhere. He had stopped for the two cars in front, who had also stopped dead still.
Stefan was such a good driver. At first he also slammed on brakes, tires screaching, but he saw he was going to connect, so he swerved into the next lane. There was a car in that lane, but luckily, he swerved onto the side of the road to give us a gap.
And we were just like...what the?
Somebody must like us, because that was SO close!

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