Monday, June 18, 2007

never before

I have never had a supernatural experience.
But, as the saying goes, NEVER say NEVER.
I visited the boyfriend's parents' farm a few weeks back. And my bed was made in the spare room.
The spare room has wooden floors and an old laslappie quilt. It is so big that you can't see yourself well in the mirror if you stand at one end of the room, when you see yourself, you are very small and a bit fuzzy. There is an old touch light lamp on a side table next to the bed.
I never sleep with my light on.
I got the most eerie feeling in that room, so much so that I fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV to stall going to bed (and we all know how much I enjoy nappind and sleeping in general) When I eventually had to go to bed, I left the night lamp on.
The first time I slept in that room, I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating so much (and this is winter in the Free State we are talking about, people) that I took my fleecy top off. I also opened my eyes briefly and looked at the light of the lamp. And then went back to sleep.
I slept so soundly in that room, I don't remember dreaming.
The next time I slept there, I woke up the next morning with the feeling that Stefan had visited me in the night to come and say hallo. But, of course, he had not.

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