Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A series of FORTUNATE events

Have I ever blogged the story about how me and Claud met?
It was actually a series of events...

An invite to a concert

A dislike for the singer

A lack of cash

A fear of swiping the credit card

3 hours left to show time

3 hours left to buy my ticket

3 hours to get to Johannesburg in peak hour traffic

Computicket makes a mistake which takes 45 minutes to rectify...

2 hours left to get to Johannesburg in peak hour traffic

Eventually we arrive

Just to mention, the day before, I had said that if somebody calls me "San-Mari" instead of "San" they are OLD SCHOOL.
Well, what do you know? I get a tap on the shoulder and a : "Hi San-Mari!"


Turns out that she had been living in Joberg for one and a half years and she is also a PA to a recruitment company. Coincidental, and later when I moved into the same complex as her, I started to notice how many outifts we have that are identical.

Here is another series of events

A silly craving for cookies

An e-mail from somebody with the recipe

A hole..

Ok, the hole warrants more of an explanation than that. The hole that has been slowing down traffic. The hole that cut me and Claud off from civilsation and shops for a week. The hole that forced us to take back roads to avoid traffic. So, now you know about THE hole.

Let's get back to the series of events

Me nagging (for COOKIES)

Claud's idea for DVD's

My knowledge that there is a Pick 'n Pay close to the DVD store (this was surprising seeing as I knew very little of the area at that time)

Well, it was there in the cookie isle, that she bumped into her exes best friend. A guy that has been missing for MONTHS, I might add. And, guess what?! The said ex contacted the said friend the night before! And he proceeds to give his number to Claud...

And then the other day I nagged Claud again to PLEASE TAKE ME TO THE MALL!! And, while at a shop, she bumped into the actual X!

Mmm, we are going shopping again this afternoon...not going to jinx it, BUT...



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