Monday, June 04, 2007

springin' up like daisies

"I wanna have your babies...
have them springing up like daisies..."
WHAT THE.....?????!!!!! Natasha, you have moved onto the next step, from not being able to tell the guy (who ever he is) that you love him...
(Remember this one?)  "...I love that ok?"
To: " springing up his babies like daisies..."
And it seems that some of my high school mates are popping out babies like ..they are, well,  daisies...(ok, guys, they are very cute and all...and every one to herself, this is purely my P.O.V)
Am I the only career woman out there? (Ok, me and Claud and Marietjie and Maggie...who else is with us?)
Getting seriously scared, I know there is a time and a place for everything, and ONE DAY ( far far away) I would be happy to hear that little pitter patter of feet.
Right now, my to-do list is as follows:
1. Hear that applause when I get my degree
2. Hear the words "PROMOTION" at least three more times
3. I want to hear the KA_CHING.... of more money in my bank account
4. Oh ja, and as we were taught in Sunday School: Hear "I do" somewhere along the lines
But for now, the only pittar patter I would welcome, is the people upstairs who wear heels when they are at home, making dinner, or whatever they get up to up there, and even that annoys me tremendously...

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