Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bo Bo Tea (say it fast)

Forget Koeksisters and milktart...what about the humble Boboti? It has been left off the traditional SA recipe line-up...long enough... 
Here is a great recipe (as edited by yours truly)
  • KILLER BO_BO_TEA :  This recipe serves 4 people on diet....
Preheat the oven to 180 C and start preparing the rice to serve with the dish.
(TIP FOR RICE: The liquid amount is always double the amount of rice you put in)
Melt together: (GROUP A)
60 ml Margerine
Rajah mild curry powder
4 pinches origanum
30ml Worcestire sauce
30ml Wellingtons peach chutney
3 pinches of salt
Add together: (GROUP B)
500g mince
1 x mediu carrot (grated)
Handful of prunes (cut up)
1 x slice of white bread (soaked in a little bit of milk)
Fry together Group B and group A until the mince is browned.
For the custard topping: (Group C)
1 x cup of milk and 1 egg (whisked together) The mixture should be runny
Place the mince mixture in an oven proof dish, and pour over the egg custard mixture.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, or until the custard starts to brown and is set in the middel.
Serve with rice, chutney and bananas (b-a-n-a-n-a-s)

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