Wednesday, June 20, 2007

FW: Aisssh wena

Subject: FW: Aisssh wena

Just to prove I am dedicated to sweating off the pounds...check this out..start reading from the bottom

Subject: Aisssh wena

Ok, so am assuming that was your scientific answer J  as What the hell is pizza without the cheese JJ




Subject: RE: Friday Lunchtime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


i am on Body for Life...




no cheese for me...sorry...


unless they can offer me a low GI, High protein, cheese-less pizza without sauce?


 Subject: Friday Lunchtime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



Hi Ladies


We haven’t done it for soooo long, so if you are keen we thought we could order some pizza for 12h00 on Friday and all have lunch together downstairs.


Let me know if you are keen by return mail, everyone who is, if you can please club in R20 by Friday morning.


Also let me know what type of pizza you prefer so we can get a general consensus on what to order, or if you have any other ideas on what we can order instead of pizza let me know that too.







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