Thursday, June 21, 2007

rotten rotten

A president can ruin so many lives...and totally destroy a country...rob it of its' resources..starve its' people..take away their jobs, and force them to become refugees.
I have had a lot to do with refugees lately; and with the people from African countries who have permits. Due to the bad reputation illegal immigrnats have created, these legal employees are measured under the same bracket.
Ok, so yes, we need to look after our own unemployment rates first.
But I can't help to feel sorry for the people who have work permits and posess the qualifications required by SA's labour market. Few people know that the SA government has issued a number of permits to these skilled workers, and like I mentioned earlier, they are measured by the same measure.
On Special Assignment the other night, they had a report on refugees. One of the refugees interviewed started crying. He had been going to the SA department of Home Affairs for years, without results. He said that he knows one day he would be free. Free from the country and government that had let him down. I don't blame him for trying.
On another report (I think this one was on Carte Blanche) they showed that the refugees cross the boarder with as little luggage as possible. They get robbed along the way, resulting in them owning only the clothes on their back. They fall ill and don't have the money to seek medical help. And we all know that even a simple cold can turn into something quite ugly if you don't treat it in time.
Now, imagine this scruffily clothed person who looks sickly, who is asking for work.
It breaks my heart, what are their chances?
And meanwhile the family waits at home, cos dad went out to earn money. And the sad fact is, most of the times he does not return.

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