Thursday, June 28, 2007

Life oh life

I am missing the SUN, hence a re-hash of these old photo's from December 06

OOOOOOh HOOO Li--iii--iife..


dooroo doop do do...


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

reception jokes

Our receptionist is very gullible, so one of the girls tried a trick on her.
She got the number for the Zoo, and told her to phone Mr G Raff.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

how to properly place your employees

1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.
Put your new employees in the room and close the door.

Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours.

4. Then analyze the situation:

a. If they are counting the bricks, put them in the Accounting


b. If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing.

c. If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put then

d. If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put
them in

e. If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in


f. If they are sleeping, put them in Security.

g. If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in

Information Technology.

h. If they are sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.

i. If they say they have tried different combinations, they are

looking for more, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.

j. If they have already left for the day, put them in Marketing.

k. If they are staring out of the window, put them in Strategic Planning.

l. If they are talking to each other, and not a single brick has been

moved, congratulate them and put them in Top Management .

The case of the missing 'I'

Maintenance on the coast is almost non-existent. Lots of times the "W" on the Wimpy sign blew, and then the restaurant would become "Impy" for a quiet a few months before they fix it up. Hee hee, let us go eat at ha ha ...
So it was quite natural that when nature called, when I was little, and I saw the sign TO LET on a march right over, only to be asked what I am doing:
"I am going to the TOILET, don't worry, the 'I' has just been left out'
And that was the day that I learnt that not only is the 'I' missing in TO LET, but the toilet as well.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Because I said so

Good movie...worth a bash!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Cape Flats Lullaby




Hush my laaitie don't you cry
Daddy's gonna steal you a GTi,
And if that GTi don't Torque
! Another GTi, I will stalk.
And if the stalking don't go to well
Daddy's gonna steal you a Caravelle
And if that Caravelle makes some tricks
Daddy's gonna jack you a VR6.
And if that VR6 won't fly
Daddy's gonna knock a BM from a Sandton guy.
And if that BM's sound is kwaai
Da Lenz cherries will go with you to elke braai!
And if the cops ask why ?
Daddy will buy the docket from a Police spy!
And if all these things still make you cry

Then you're not my laaitie
....... your mom told me a lie !!



Thursday, June 21, 2007

rotten rotten

A president can ruin so many lives...and totally destroy a country...rob it of its' resources..starve its' people..take away their jobs, and force them to become refugees.
I have had a lot to do with refugees lately; and with the people from African countries who have permits. Due to the bad reputation illegal immigrnats have created, these legal employees are measured under the same bracket.
Ok, so yes, we need to look after our own unemployment rates first.
But I can't help to feel sorry for the people who have work permits and posess the qualifications required by SA's labour market. Few people know that the SA government has issued a number of permits to these skilled workers, and like I mentioned earlier, they are measured by the same measure.
On Special Assignment the other night, they had a report on refugees. One of the refugees interviewed started crying. He had been going to the SA department of Home Affairs for years, without results. He said that he knows one day he would be free. Free from the country and government that had let him down. I don't blame him for trying.
On another report (I think this one was on Carte Blanche) they showed that the refugees cross the boarder with as little luggage as possible. They get robbed along the way, resulting in them owning only the clothes on their back. They fall ill and don't have the money to seek medical help. And we all know that even a simple cold can turn into something quite ugly if you don't treat it in time.
Now, imagine this scruffily clothed person who looks sickly, who is asking for work.
It breaks my heart, what are their chances?
And meanwhile the family waits at home, cos dad went out to earn money. And the sad fact is, most of the times he does not return.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ok, so I have come to realise that I talk in my sleep

Last night I said in my best waitressing voice:

"Pass me the balls please"

And the boyfriend replied immediately:

"Coming right over!"

At which point I woke up, and said:


And him saying:

"Sigh, never mind"


Pink when I turn out the light...PINK is red, but not quite

PINK is my favourite colour!

Will you be FLAMINGO?


WHO remembers this song?


I have become a meat snob

Yes, that is right, I am no longer happy with flame grilled taste...

...or the sizzle straight from the griddle

...nor do I agree that the people who think they have a taste for life, actually have it

I can tell you who does have it though:



I had a super matured steak at The Meat Company with a mustard sauce, and it is amazing! WOW WOW WOW

You Joburger's need to give these two restaurants a bash...


so much to do!
and seem like I am not getting anywhere close to my goals!

FW: Aisssh wena

Subject: FW: Aisssh wena

Just to prove I am dedicated to sweating off the pounds...check this out..start reading from the bottom

Subject: Aisssh wena

Ok, so am assuming that was your scientific answer J  as What the hell is pizza without the cheese JJ




Subject: RE: Friday Lunchtime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


i am on Body for Life...




no cheese for me...sorry...


unless they can offer me a low GI, High protein, cheese-less pizza without sauce?


 Subject: Friday Lunchtime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



Hi Ladies


We haven’t done it for soooo long, so if you are keen we thought we could order some pizza for 12h00 on Friday and all have lunch together downstairs.


Let me know if you are keen by return mail, everyone who is, if you can please club in R20 by Friday morning.


Also let me know what type of pizza you prefer so we can get a general consensus on what to order, or if you have any other ideas on what we can order instead of pizza let me know that too.







my neighbours

Have I told you about my neighbours?

they are bloody LOUD!

They shag so LOUDLY at 6 in the morning that I wake up from it! I have to sleep with my fan on (in summer) and my heater (in winter)

And they fight so LOULDY that I hear EVERYTHING

I am all for LOUD and PROUD...but enough is enough!

our personalities according to trees

Elm Tree (Noble-mindedness) -- pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.
(once again, I wonder who makes up these things?)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007



I am eating the BEST wine gums I have tasted in my life. They are a little bit older and have a sour kind of taste...

what are the chances?

Remember a while back the pipe popped off my washing machine?
..and the house flooded...
I get an SMS from Claud saying:
The pipe popped off my washing machine and my house is flooded...
What are the chances?

what the?

What do most motorists do when they see an accident along the side of the road, or what they think to be an accident? 
Slow down ,  of course.  
Many mornings the traffic is congested ,  and you hear on the radio that there is a bus broken down on the road. You would think that  this bus is stuck on one of the traffic lanes. But no, it is on the side of the road, clear out of the way, and the reason the traffic is slow is because everybody slows down to look.
The same kind of thing happened the other day. We were on our way to a braai in Pretoria, driving on the highway.
The first thing we noticed was the Coin Security vehicle, pulled onto the side of the road, with a cop car. Strange, because the police do not usually pull over these vehicles, due to the security risk involved.
This was going through both our minds, and we did not notice that the little blue car in front of us had stopped.
Not only stopped, its' tires were screaming and he was burning rubber, there was smoke everywhere. He had stopped for the two cars in front, who had also stopped dead still.
Stefan was such a good driver. At first he also slammed on brakes, tires screaching, but he saw he was going to connect, so he swerved into the next lane. There was a car in that lane, but luckily, he swerved onto the side of the road to give us a gap.
And we were just like...what the?
Somebody must like us, because that was SO close!

Monday, June 18, 2007

never before

I have never had a supernatural experience.
But, as the saying goes, NEVER say NEVER.
I visited the boyfriend's parents' farm a few weeks back. And my bed was made in the spare room.
The spare room has wooden floors and an old laslappie quilt. It is so big that you can't see yourself well in the mirror if you stand at one end of the room, when you see yourself, you are very small and a bit fuzzy. There is an old touch light lamp on a side table next to the bed.
I never sleep with my light on.
I got the most eerie feeling in that room, so much so that I fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV to stall going to bed (and we all know how much I enjoy nappind and sleeping in general) When I eventually had to go to bed, I left the night lamp on.
The first time I slept in that room, I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating so much (and this is winter in the Free State we are talking about, people) that I took my fleecy top off. I also opened my eyes briefly and looked at the light of the lamp. And then went back to sleep.
I slept so soundly in that room, I don't remember dreaming.
The next time I slept there, I woke up the next morning with the feeling that Stefan had visited me in the night to come and say hallo. But, of course, he had not.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


If you ride a bike...
You are tough, hairy, wear leather, get bugs stuck in your teeth, get COLD in winter, get WET when it are exposed to the elements! You like speed and wearing all you in a manly back pack.
Not like these pansies who ride the BMW Umbrella bike (don't know the real name for it) The bike that has a little cover that protects you from the elements and the bugs...
Where is the fun in that?
I am sure they get beat up on breakfast runs...

Butterfly effect

Weird other words; I LOVED it!
It made me think about that parallel universe thing again.
Somewhere, out there, there is another San (an older version? or one that just made better choices?)
This San is sitting with celery sticks (it will not be popcorn or chips in the ideal San parallel universe)
And she is commenting as she watches what I am doing (like you do when watching a movie)
No San! Don't work at that coffee shop! Don't do it! Aaaah maaaaa-an! SIGH!  There you go again!
She will happily chomp on that celery stick in her perfect little parallel universe, and smile at how great her life is going.
I think I would beat up this parallel universe San if we ever met. And I think she knows it. Maybe that is why we have never met, ruling out the fact that parallel universe are a theory and only that.

A series of FORTUNATE events

Have I ever blogged the story about how me and Claud met?
It was actually a series of events...

An invite to a concert

A dislike for the singer

A lack of cash

A fear of swiping the credit card

3 hours left to show time

3 hours left to buy my ticket

3 hours to get to Johannesburg in peak hour traffic

Computicket makes a mistake which takes 45 minutes to rectify...

2 hours left to get to Johannesburg in peak hour traffic

Eventually we arrive

Just to mention, the day before, I had said that if somebody calls me "San-Mari" instead of "San" they are OLD SCHOOL.
Well, what do you know? I get a tap on the shoulder and a : "Hi San-Mari!"


Turns out that she had been living in Joberg for one and a half years and she is also a PA to a recruitment company. Coincidental, and later when I moved into the same complex as her, I started to notice how many outifts we have that are identical.

Here is another series of events

A silly craving for cookies

An e-mail from somebody with the recipe

A hole..

Ok, the hole warrants more of an explanation than that. The hole that has been slowing down traffic. The hole that cut me and Claud off from civilsation and shops for a week. The hole that forced us to take back roads to avoid traffic. So, now you know about THE hole.

Let's get back to the series of events

Me nagging (for COOKIES)

Claud's idea for DVD's

My knowledge that there is a Pick 'n Pay close to the DVD store (this was surprising seeing as I knew very little of the area at that time)

Well, it was there in the cookie isle, that she bumped into her exes best friend. A guy that has been missing for MONTHS, I might add. And, guess what?! The said ex contacted the said friend the night before! And he proceeds to give his number to Claud...

And then the other day I nagged Claud again to PLEASE TAKE ME TO THE MALL!! And, while at a shop, she bumped into the actual X!

Mmm, we are going shopping again this afternoon...not going to jinx it, BUT...



Pasta..for those of you who are not on diet

My friend Nicolene gave me this awesome recipe....
  • Cook a cup full of shell pasta
  • Fry eggplant x 2 (cut in thin rings) in olive oil until cooked, line an oven proof dish with the eggplant
  • Fry Grated carrot (about 3 medium carrots); finely sliced baby marrow, spring onion and a little garlic together. spice with OREGANO (NB)
  • Mix together 3 eggs, 1 cup of cream, cut feta cheese, little bit of parmesan cheese, and a teaspoon of Oregano.
  • Mix together the pasta, veggies and liquid.
Bake for 40 minutes.
You will lick your plate, fork, and the oven dish with this meal! It is really great!


who thinks of these things?

Here is something to toggle your mind
So without delay...
Grab a calculator (you won't be able to do this one in your head)
1. Key in the first three digits of your work DIRECT landline phone number at work (NOT the area code)
2. Multiply by 80
3. Add 1
4. Multilpy by 250
5. Add the last 4 digits of your work phone number
6. Add the last 4 digits of your work phone number
7. Subtract by 250
8. Divide by 2


Monday, June 11, 2007

I are SO busy @ werk

No time to blog, no time to... ...............................
finish my sentences


What is determination?

When you decide to gym again after 7 months.

You get dressed, armed with a sweat towel and juice bottle, some mother *&*(&*(&(* tunes to keep you motivated.


Your local gym is not operational due to a power failure.

They conveniently direct you to an alternative gym, you go there,


only to have them tell you that they are closing in the next ten minutes.

They conveniently direct you to another gym that only closes at 20:00.


You get lost on the way there.

Finally you arrive....third time lucky!


fashion that is functional

A 5 course meal
(Ok, 3 course meal if you are on diet.)
That is how much food I am able to cram into my little boulder bag. I was quite surprised when I whipped out three pieces of fruit, a yoghurt, a ZIP LOCKED soup, 2 x crackers and a portion of cereal out of that thing.
(This could work when I go to the movies...YES!!!)

Let's get all cute and squishy

One of my favourite songs came onto the radio, but we were almost home..
So Stefan drove E X T R A SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW, so that I could finish listening to the song

zip lock it

Hi,my name is San and my (newest) addiction is Zip lock bags...

I Zip Lock everything!

It all started when I was making soup and put the soup portions in Zip Lock Bags to freeze them.


I grated some cheese to freeze and Zip Locked it


I Zip locked the KILLER BO_BO_TEA that I had leftover

The next day,

I took some soup to work and put the Zip locked soup portion into a Zip Lock bag (in case it leaked)

And last night,

The yoghurt tub burst, so I tried to put that in a ziplock container too!

Friday, June 08, 2007

thanks Maggie

    Thanks and hope you kicked @$$ in the exams

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Remember I said the other day, that the quote on my signature is:
"If you are suffering in life, you have deviated from your path of destiny"
Well, it seems that I am making my dude suffer. Have a look at this mail contact we had:
I told the boyfriend the following (keep in mind that he is an AFRIKAANS farm boy)
"do you want to eat at my place tonight? 
I are trying a new veggie meal if you are interested"
Hee hee, so the smartie answers:
No meat????? Where have I deviated from my path of destiny????
"If you are suffering in life, you have deviated from your path of destiny"


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The basics

Some of you have asked me to blog tips on how to survive living on your own. Moving out of the know...flying the coop..Cutting the apron strings.


Well, if I look at what I was like three years ago, I must admit I have come a long way, and thus I think I may have a few pearls of wisdom to pass along.


Three years ago, San could not put together a proper meal. Yes, I know I was one of the top people in Home Economics, but it did not help me. The mental block I had put in about High School and all the activities that went along with it, had blocked out all my recipes too.


My staple food was pasta, pasta, pasta! And I made the worst food combinations. This resulted in me turning to take away's most of the time.


A good food tip is to always have a wide variety of spices and sauces. They can do wonders for a meal (even the humble Maggie 2 minute noodles can turn gourmet)




You know those paranoid people who always double and triple check whether they left the stove on?

They are not paranoid! They are geniuses, very well disguised geniuses! But geniuses all the same.


You know what happens when you leave the stove on?


You will find your flat mate at home, in front of a gas stove, boiling water for her guests. And all the lights are out. You would be a little surprised as to why she has decided to rough it, because this is the 21st century after all.

Then it all dawns on you, as your flat mate huffs and puffs, that:




Another good piece of advice?

Change the dustbin at LEAST twice  a week, you can not be lazy about this. Otherwise, interesting things happen in there.


The first year or two or four, is going to be tough budget wise. Therefore you won't always have the exact ingredients the recipe calls for. The next logical step would be to substitute. But only substitute food items from the same food family (or food group) For example, the recipe calls for Cottage cheese, but you only have Gouda cheese. It is perfectly safe to substitute Gouda cheese with the Cottage cheese.


Some things you can't substitute, even if they are from the same 'family'. Substituting toilet paper for tissue paper for example, is a no-no. Your nose will thank you later for it. Yes, you will get sick some time or the other, and if you are single, you are going to be sick ON YOUR OWN. Nobody will be there to fluff the pillows or pamper you. I think this is the lowest point of being single and out of the house. That first flu on your own. But, if you have survived it, you can survive anything.


It is important to build up a supply of medicines. Nothing major, here is a rough guideline of what to have:

-Headache pills



-A bandage roll

-A good allergy and burns cream

-Allergy pills



I have a little saying when it comes to Imodium: "If you neglect it, you WILL regret it!"


Don't believe me?


Ask the San of 2004 as she is about to knock on a strangers door to beg of their help (and relief) from a compromising situation.


It aint pretty.


Another important thing to note is regarding older flats and keys. When that key gets a little stuck the first time. Go out and buy Q20 IMMEDIATELY. Or else you may find yourself in the situation where you need to ask some random little boy for cooking oil or any other kind of oil that he can get his hands on. And this is South Africa, people. So his first reaction to you may also be to say: 'I don't have bigger brother is here!"

Just ask San of 2004 (Man, that was a bad year for me)


And the best (or worse) for those fresh out of High School? Specifically blondes?

Deciding that this is the chance! The chance to finally try going red...strawberry daiquiri to be exact. Now, something we all learnt is that red and white make PINK. So my hairdo eventually evolved into a light pink mess. And from there on, I rather drank Strawberry Daiquiri’s, instead of trying to become one.


Items you will never have enough of:

Clothes pegs,  Tupperware containers, Plastic bags and drinking glasses.


Buying cheaper things (especially when it comes to household items and appliances) is never smarter. Except when it comes to Clothes pegs,  Tupperware containers, Plastic bags and drinking glasses.


Well, those are the basics. And remember: always get the basics right!


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bo Bo Tea (say it fast)

Forget Koeksisters and milktart...what about the humble Boboti? It has been left off the traditional SA recipe line-up...long enough... 
Here is a great recipe (as edited by yours truly)
  • KILLER BO_BO_TEA :  This recipe serves 4 people on diet....
Preheat the oven to 180 C and start preparing the rice to serve with the dish.
(TIP FOR RICE: The liquid amount is always double the amount of rice you put in)
Melt together: (GROUP A)
60 ml Margerine
Rajah mild curry powder
4 pinches origanum
30ml Worcestire sauce
30ml Wellingtons peach chutney
3 pinches of salt
Add together: (GROUP B)
500g mince
1 x mediu carrot (grated)
Handful of prunes (cut up)
1 x slice of white bread (soaked in a little bit of milk)
Fry together Group B and group A until the mince is browned.
For the custard topping: (Group C)
1 x cup of milk and 1 egg (whisked together) The mixture should be runny
Place the mince mixture in an oven proof dish, and pour over the egg custard mixture.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, or until the custard starts to brown and is set in the middel.
Serve with rice, chutney and bananas (b-a-n-a-n-a-s)

i made my own soup

The secret to soup is to ... FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS
That,  and to let it cook SLOWLY, and to put it through a blender after the cooking time has finished
I spent a greater part of the afternoon making soup and freezing portions in ZIP lock bags, I am so proud!

Monday, June 04, 2007

a deep deep omo blue

"...A deep DEEP deep water too
Hold it to the nose: Smell like a rose...
Hold it to the light, smells like a: DEEP DEEP DEEP OMO BLUE"
Ok, so on Friday I get home from work, and I spot some water on the steps leading up to my flat.
Mmmm, that is peculiar, they don't usually wash the steps? And I can faintly smell washing powder...odd
I get to my flat, only to discover my flatmate, barefoot, with a broom, busy sweeping water out of our kitchen and living room.
Our washing machine was leaking water, the outlet pipe had disconnected from the washing machine and the water had gushed out! (It never rains, but it gushes)

Another one lost

Ok, maybe not "lost" but if your ID book still reads 'single' you know what I mean...I am talking about the people who are getting married. The tropical island of singles is getting smaller and smaller..we are losing ground. And one of these days, I will be the only one left, and then my toe will already be in the water..and then the wave will hit me, and I will be swept away...
Anyhoo, Another one is Kyle Temple-Murray..KTM
He got engaged on his 21st!
Congrats Kyle!
He calls his fiancè, "The Missus" (it is quite cute)

technologically impaired

It was quite amazing to see that my mom could SMS on her own.
Amazing seeing as though, I once changed the welcome message on her cellphone to say:
"Self destruction activated"
She would only see the message when she switched on her phone, and as you all know, it only shows for about 5 seconds, before it defaults to the start up screen.
So she would then see this message when she switched on her phone, and then she would say:  "What is this message on my phone?!"
And then a little while later (when it automatically defaults):
"Oh, don't worry, it is gone now"
And this would happen every time she switched on her a kick out of it each and every time!
Thus I am greatly surprised that she has now learnt to take photo's with her phone and can send me MMS's...

Machiel Greyling

Machiel and I sat next to each other in Standard Five, Mr Jackson's class.
When I first met him, I did not like him, we were enemies. I told him quite clearly where his side of the desk was, and if he crossed the line, there would be ROUBLE. Poor guy, he probably regretted the day he ended up next to me.
But that soon changed, and by the end of the year, the two of us were inseperable. We even thought about conversations we would have with one another, after school, for when we would see one another again. And we usually thought of the same stuff, like which shampoo the other one used. (I know it sounds silly, but hey, it is the little things in life)
I called him "SNOLBOL" 
And when he moved onto the high school in Pietermaritzburg and I stayed in Shepppie, we wrote letters to one another. I still have dozens of letters that he wrote to me, stored away safely. I need to go fetch those letters...they are at my mom's house..any offers to go fetch it on my behalf? Michelle? Hee hee, I won't do that to you...
Last time I saw him, he was at Umtentweni beach, and he looked a little sad. But that was the last time I would ever had gotten to see him. He was in an accident a while ago. My friend, you were so special, and I will always carry you in my heart.
Two of my best friends passed away during this last month...and it once again made me realise that life is too short not to finish that painting. Life is too short to hold yourself back. Life is too short to ignore the call of your destiny. Life is too short to neglect the important people in your life.


springin' up like daisies

"I wanna have your babies...
have them springing up like daisies..."
WHAT THE.....?????!!!!! Natasha, you have moved onto the next step, from not being able to tell the guy (who ever he is) that you love him...
(Remember this one?)  "...I love that ok?"
To: " springing up his babies like daisies..."
And it seems that some of my high school mates are popping out babies like ..they are, well,  daisies...(ok, guys, they are very cute and all...and every one to herself, this is purely my P.O.V)
Am I the only career woman out there? (Ok, me and Claud and Marietjie and Maggie...who else is with us?)
Getting seriously scared, I know there is a time and a place for everything, and ONE DAY ( far far away) I would be happy to hear that little pitter patter of feet.
Right now, my to-do list is as follows:
1. Hear that applause when I get my degree
2. Hear the words "PROMOTION" at least three more times
3. I want to hear the KA_CHING.... of more money in my bank account
4. Oh ja, and as we were taught in Sunday School: Hear "I do" somewhere along the lines
But for now, the only pittar patter I would welcome, is the people upstairs who wear heels when they are at home, making dinner, or whatever they get up to up there, and even that annoys me tremendously...

The Drakensberg in Gauteng

Every morning, the traffic from Midrand is hectic.
The road we travel from is elevated, therefore you can see the cars criss crossing below...Hundreds of red and white lights criss crossing.
This morning it was so misty, that it looked like we were in a Drakensberg valley, you could not see the traffic for the mist.


Sunday, June 03, 2007


Our tea lady just came to model her new uniform!
Hee hee...
She is wearing a pink and white number today, fashioned with a white lace trimming on the apron.
You glow lady!

Friday, June 01, 2007

On tap

Water cooler

So we are all ladies at the office, right? In a sales environment.

The other day everybody complained that they are tired. So I suggested they pour Bio-plus in the water cooler. It will boost our performance and we have to drink water anyway, so we may as well drink it when it is already sooped up. Saves having to mix the booster into your water and then drink it. We could now have Bioplus on tap.


And of course, being women, there is the eternal struggle with weight and diets. Now, Lean-or is on the market, and it is available in drops, so I said to everybody not to waste time and just put the drops in the water cooler…then we all get to lose weight together. Lean-or on tap.

pet names

How is this one?

A sausage dog named Vienna!


have I mentioned this?

I bumped into my Matric dance date the other night, when I was at Night Fever!
How random is that?
4 years later...
Clint and I had personalised number plates on our car..still have them somewhere...


Quote on my signature at work

If you are suffering in life, you have deviated from your path of destiny