Thursday, April 12, 2007

suspicious phone calls

We have an open plan office, right?
So you can hear all the phones ring. And if somebody is not at their desk, and their phone rings, it is only polite to take the call and get a message.
"Cynthia's phone, good day"
Person..let's call him A. Hole :
"I am looking for Cynthia"
"She is not in, could I take a message?"
"That is funny, reception has just said that they are putting me through to her"
"Reception did put you through to her phone, but she is not in"
"I find that to be very funny, because reception said they are putting me through"
"Well, sir, we have an open plan office, I am looking at her desk, she is not here"
"I find it funny"
"Reception can not see Cynthia's desk, so they can not know for sure whether she is in or not, me, on the other hand, can for certain say that she is not in, as I can see her desk and she is missing"
A. Hole:
"Sir, could I take a message for her, that is the only way I can think to help you"
A. Hole:
"No, that is ok"
It is so sad that South Africans have become so suspicious...

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