Friday, April 13, 2007


The choices you make in life decide your future.
Pretty obvious statement...
Sometimes people make a choice without even realizing it.
My new boyfriend got a job offer overseas.
A big choice to make.
It will determine the course of the rest of his life.
I am sure he is doing his homework on the prospect. Cost of living, flights, weighing up leaving behind family and friends, etc.
He did discuss it with me and was apprehensive about leaving. It is a huge choice and of course I am in the equation and I mean after only a few months, how could I expect to be weighty in the calculations.
What makes me sad is that I know he has already made his choice.
He surely did all the research on the country, but, he has not done much research on me...

1 comment:

Mishie said...

hey chickie

so good to hear from today.....hmmm miss alot about what is happening in sans life...but will catch up on the 10th...yay!!!!! seeing you soon