Tuesday, April 10, 2007

the anti-social moth

 I was LUS for a jol on Friday night,
I was going to party until Backline CHASED me out
I would be the LIFE of the party:  the social butterfly
Man, oh man, that night....
I DANCED my stilleto's heels off
I SPOKE to everybody I have not seen in a while
Drank a SHOT with the people I have not seen in a while
I was the life of that PARTY
And then:
I felt a little ill...things became blurry,
I began to defy gravity:the Neon signs moved past me a few times, without ME moving at all...WHOAH...awesome man...
I sat down and later, fumbled into the car, bucket in hand...and so... the little social butterfly turned into an anti-social moth...
...what a night!

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