Thursday, April 05, 2007

Metal bands


You rock dudes!!!

1 comment:

phedora said...

Hi there Maatjie,

I just want to say that while listening to The Fray I was reading your blog, all the posting i havent for a whilte ;). I should say that was like reading someones life with all ther ups and downs. Your blog resulted me in almost falling off my chair from laughter. I am not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the way you tell your stories and the comments you make about yourself and the experiences you go through.

Congratulations on drilling your first holes. YAY. You go girl. I hope you dont forget your little old friend from CENTI. I miss you so much.

When I read your blog I can imangine myself as you tell all. Please continue to BLOG, you are especially good at this.

I hope my pricess in heels are doing OK and that shel grow up to be the queen of her own fairytales.

Keep your penny heads up!!!!
