Friday, April 13, 2007

friday the 13th

I am not superstitious...(In the back of my head I hear all of you say: YEAH RIGHT!)
Honestly though, I walk under ladders. While saying to myself STERNLY that I am not superstitious, then I walk a little bit faster to get out from under the ladder..breathe a sigh of relief and vow NEVER to put myself through THAT again.
Ok, so maybe I am superstitious.
To get back to my story, today is Friday the 13th, right?
And I woke up with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach and a little pang in my heart. Coz I knew today is the day.
Just yesterday I was blogging vague posts about feelings being bottled up, etc. And then yesterday afternoon I realised that I am feeling like CRAP and that the people who are making feel like this, do not even know.
So today I was to address the issues, take the bull by the horns and take an enormous uncharacteristic leap of faith...
To elaborate on yesterday afternoon, when I got in the car, Claud witnessed a huge bawling session ( that poor girl,she has been through all my issues)
I was being a regular "SANNY-jammer-padda" Oooooh, everybody is being mean to me and I am just so nice, WAIL, I rock, man, do I rock! CRY CRY...OOoh, I don't want to talk about my feelings...oooh...
But now, I feel better, today I have put my feelings out there, and you know what? I feel loads better!
I deserve the BEST and I ROCK...
"Just because I rock, does not mean I am made of stone"
(That is from ME, MYSELF AND IRENE)

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