Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Romancing not like THAT...

I gave the rose petals in the bath thing another go last night.


And I have come to the conclusion that it is definitely not for me. I tried to lie perfectly still as to avoid the dried petals bumping into me. I get grossed out when they touch me…


And then I was left with the drainage problem again…


That was followed by watching Moulin Rouge. That movie has never before made me cry as much as it did  last night. I know Sateen dies, but knowing this has made it that much worse, cause I see the irony in all of it.


 " Aaah, that is the last time they will sing their song together " 




 " Aaaah, the money does not matter are going to die anyway " 




 " AAaaah, spend every moment with the poor writer, cos there won’t be many more moments, leave the DUKE bast….d alone " 





And I have come to the conclusion that these movies about whirl wind romances are not so far fetched and daft. (thinking about Romeo and Juliet too) 


I think you can be so in love with somebody you have just met… 


Think about it, the most intense point of a romance is when you both realise (or decide) to be in love with the other person. Some people just realise it sooner than others. And then it is wedding bells on the second date...and a tragedy...and somebody dies...according to the movies I mentioned...ok, but anyway, here is a point to be made... 



 I am trying my best to be less cynical about love, think I should get a gold star for effort?

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