Wednesday, January 03, 2007

skinny dipping all night long!

Miss Brown is going to hate me for publishing this, but I have to! It art for being a classical, like MOZART!!

As usual, I am left to dance on my own...
..and I really don't mind...
(Ok, just kidding, I really don't mind!)
Miss Brown is doing her own thang, she checked on me twice. The first time, she left to go to the "toilet" and came back holding a yellow, liqourice-smelling drink. The second time? She just left and never came back to the dancefloor.

By that time, I had gotten tired of partying with lovestruck dudes, and I got really tired of being adopted by twinkly-eyed-whistle-blowing-boys. To be quite honest, I felt like that little deer that got seperated from the herd, and the lions were ready to pounce...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Ha ha

I get to our table and a very cozy scene greets me: My mates, fish bowls and some people who aren't my mates. Oh, and let's not forget the weirdo in the corner who kept shoving straws under my nose and yelling: drink! Drink! Luckily I r not one to be pressurized!

We stayed in backline until the VERY last song, they had switched the lights off and were busy emptying trash by the time we left. That is how over the party was.

It was at this point when I realised that my beautiful, intelligent friend had become an Afrikaans speaking girrrrrl, who could not walk unsupported! The horror!

Maggie proceeds to invite EVERYONE to Michelle's house to skinny dip! ( let's remember: Mich is in hospital and I was trusted with the house keys) And when I say everyone, I mean: EVERYONE. From the bouncers, to the dude I had been with, to the car guards.

Man the dude I had been dancing with, thought it his lucky day. Imagine: skinny dipping; sleeping over at a blondes and breakfast the next day! (Maggie's promises, not mine) Man, he must have thought xmas came a little late. It was a case of two against one, the more I was saying that we can't invite a strange boy over, the more encouraged the others were to invite him over. My attempts to explain the meaning of "one-night stand" versus "one-night-sleepover" were to no avail and strange dude is in the car rearing to go. Naturally, right?

Thank goodness for small miracles, because my request to buy food for Maggie Brown got heard. We go into the garage (Mr Lucky Included) and as we pay for the pies, it is as if my mates notice the strange boy for the first time: " Where are you off to my mate?" Hellooooo?!

The next important Piece of info was us dropping the dude off, and him running after the car. We did not bother to ask him why he was running after the car! Shame

By this time I figured Maggie may have had a little more than her quota. Luckily she was sleeping at that time, so we proceeded to bounce around on Margate beach at 5AM.

We pulled into Palm Avenue, at 6 AM. And as sooon as we hit the brakes, Maggie let loose. Suz says she was lucky to have quick feet, otherwise her shoes would have been painted a different colour!

Then Mich found out....can you spell P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S?

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