Wednesday, January 03, 2007

first things first

I was cleaning out my room the other day and came accross the diary I started in 2006 ( before I was introduced to the world of blog...hee hee, I was SO primitive)

So before I start posts for the new year, allow me to share some snippets from last year first.

*Not bored
*Started exercising
*Got Joe into jogging pants

* "This is such a great age...everything is a first...there's so much to explore..I am going to have a great rest of my life..."

*Got big bag of boererusks...oooo...they were still warm!

*Hectic rain, the bridge flooded again..water halfway up our car door. The traffic cop had a loud speaker, he was saying: "Don't try...don't try...turn around!"
*Reversed out of the water

*Jhb consulate: Lunch at Killarney...I had my first pipo
*REVERSED out of my work's parking space

If anybody knows what a 'Pipo' is, please let me know..I have no idea!!!

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