Saturday, January 13, 2007


I have managed to escape the "what's your star sign-line" for most of my adult life.

That was, until last night.

The guy was so sneaky about it, I did not even realise it. It started off with: what is your name, how old are you and what job do you do (San..with an 'n' short for Samantha, San...N...21 going on 22 and I am unemployed, no really, I am...No, not studying...I have NO job)

Then comes the, Oh... so your Birthday is next week, so that makes you an Aquarius (me thinking: bingo, dude)

Then he carried on about how Aquarians seem to find one another and his mom is one and her boyfriend too ( and lo and behold, so is he)

It only hit me then, that I had been conned by the famous what's-your-star-sign-line. Because, there I was, sitting on a bar stool with him and his mates, instead of with my own mates. And then all of a sudden, he was not so cute anymore. So I waved my famous queen wave, and graced him with the presence of me LEAVING his sorry Aquarian behind BEHIND...

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