Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kosie rocks my world!

Nicolene's nephew is my number one favourite new person in the WHOLE WIDE CENTURION...

He says I look like Claire Danes when she was in that't remember the name, really..well, you know, THAT movie!

That is the biggest compliment he could have given to me. She is my favourite actress, I adored her in "My so-called life"...and that is where I discovered my all time favourite song too. It was a scene where she was getting ready for school and the radio was on. The song 'blister in the sun' was playing..I fell in looooove with it. I had taped the episode and watched it over and over again so I could I hear the song. ( That was pre-teen San)

It took me years to figure out what the song's name is. And then one day, when I was in High School, I was waiting for my mom to pick me up; and this guy was messing around on his guitar. He played the lyrics for 'Blister in the sun!' And that is how, four years later, I figured out what the songs' name is.

Funny how you say something which is insignificant to you, but to the person you say it to, it means a lot.

Then of course, you have the flipside of the equation, sometimes you think what you say is insignificant, but it hurts somebody else a lot.

Bla bla bla...philosophical San is on the loose again this evening, mind your psychie! The doctor is in....

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